Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name Nur/Jhosh

Log entry time 17:26:31 on October 17, 2010

Entry number 201211


keyword=Beam Modulation Cycles and sequences are fixed now

Condition for the run 5973: Beam OFF.

Beam Modulation Cycles and sequences are fixed now. Figure 1 shows the different cycles and sequences of modulation.

6th pannel shows the rampwave w.r.t event number. We took two single coil modulation cycle corresponds to 1st and 2nd sequences(five each) are for single coil and last (five) sequence is for pair of coils.

The function generator signals fgx1,fgy1,fge,fgx2,fgy2 (first two sequences of each pad) are shown w.r.t event number in the pannels 1,2,3,4,5 respectively.

The function generator signals in pair for beam parameters X (using fgx1 & fgx2),Y(using fgy1 & fgy2),E(fge),X'(using fgx1 & fgx2),Y' (using fgy1 & fgy2) (last sequence of each pad) are shown w.r.t event number in the pannels 1,2,3,4,5 respectively.

We are going to take another run with beam.

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Figure 1