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User name buddhini

Log entry time 19:03:11 on October 26, 2010

Entry number 202759

This entry is a followup to: 202751


keyword=Fixed the incorrect magintide of 3H09bX FFT results caused by the missing software 4mm offset.

Dave Mack pointed out that the FFT amplitudes of 3h09bY was smaller than
3h09bX which implied maybe I had the signals mixed up. But I was using
the signals seperately. The actual reason was that we still don't have
that 4mm electronic offset for 3h09bx going in to the analyzer and that
caused the magnitude of 3h09bx FFT to be huge. I temporarily add the
offset by hand in the FFT script for 3h09bX and here is the new FFT
results I got. 

Now we can clearly see what we expected to see : Both signals got 60Hz in
them but 60Hz in 3h09bY is about 5 times bigger than in 3h09bX.

A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: pking, mack, pitt, smacewan, buddhini

Figure 1: FFT results for 3H09BX run 6251

Figure 2 : FFT results for 3H09BY run 6251