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User name birchall

Log entry time 19:38:59 on October 27, 2010

Entry number 202844

This entry is a followup to: 202574


keyword=Analysis: Summary of position sensitivities for runs 6090-6904

The attached figures show the variation of asymmetry due to position modulation with position 
of beam and bar number for runs 6090 - 6094. The asymmetries are derived from inherent 
motion of the beam, with the usual proviso that other modulations may have been present as 
well. The target was 4% US Al, 3x3 raster, 5 uA of beam. The sensitivities are from Nur's 

Figure 1 shows sensitivity to motion of the beam in the vertical direction. The position (x,y) of 
the beam is shown for each curve. The solid lines are sine(phi) fits, which is what is expected 
for motion in y, so bars 3 and 7 have the greatest sensitivity.  The sensitivity doesn't change 
significantly between x = -1 and x = +1 mm at y=0. The expected maximum sensitivity at y=0 
is ~0.02 per mm of modulation, greater than observed. The average asymmetry of bars 3 and 7 
for y=0 is ~0, consistent with a neutral axis near y=0. There is greater than expected variation 
with the vertical position of the beam.

Figure 2 shows the sensitivity to motion in x. The lines are mostly to guide the eye, as the 
curves do not follow the expected cos(phi) form. Bars 1 and 5 should show the greatest 
sensitivity to motion in x. There is large sensitivity to horizontal position of the beam, less for 
vertical. The distributions are fairly flat. Another beam modulation may be masking the effects 
of position modulation.

Measurement of sensitivities with a very small raster and for forced modulation would be 

Figure 1

Figure 2