Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for October 10 - Beam

  • Main INDEX


  • 203396 10/31/10 17:52 Benesch Beam: IPM3H09B.XSOF=-4 again
  • 203322 10/31/10 12:37 benesch Beam: IPM3H09B horizontal response
  • 203277 10/31/10 10:36 neven Beam: Raster map run 6401
  • Saturday

  • 203147 10/30/10 22:58 birchall Beam: Switched to 5 mm raster
  • 203126 10/30/10 18:11 birchall Beam: Beam off for escorted access to top up trap
  • 203113 10/30/10 14:38 benesch Beam: more on IPM3P02B
  • 203112 10/30/10 14:22 benesch Beam: Compton lock BPM dead; laser hut entry required
  • 203106 10/30/10 12:15 benesch Beam: BPM allocation to IOCs
  • 203105 10/30/10 12:04 Pitt Beam: Suggestion about y widths may have narrowed up on 10/28/2010 owl
  • 203103 10/30/10 11:22 benesch Beam: analyzed "MultiHarp" data of 10/27
  • 203014 10/30/10 01:25 rob Beam: beam is back but seems dirty
  • Friday







  • 202784 10/26/10 22:29 W. Deconinck Beam: 10 uA CW straight-through
  • 202770 10/26/10 21:26 W. Deconinck Beam: A cryo problem is preventing MCC from sending beam, no ETA
  • 202766 10/26/10 20:05 W. Deconinck Beam: Sweep complete, now in beam permit again
  • 202761 10/26/10 19:30 W. Deconinck Beam: Compton work done, transitioning back to beam permit
  • Monday

  • 202575 10/25/10 15:16 benesch Beam: lem current monitors produce noise
  • Sunday





  • 202168 10/22/10 23:03 saw Beam: BCM calibration run
  • 202166 10/22/10 23:00 saw Beam: EPICS BCM gains changed
  • 202149 10/22/10 21:49 saw Beam: Beam on at 10uA
  • Thursday

  • 202075 10/21/10 19:32 Davis, C. Beam: MCC not worried about ion pump near 3H07A/B
  • 201986 10/21/10 14:51 dalton Beam: Pockels cell voltages possibly OFF
  • Wednesday

  • 201735 10/20/10 19:41 benesch Beam: 3C19 harp
  • 201719 10/20/10 18:26 dalton Beam: optics changes seen at 1C19
  • 201681 10/20/10 12:25 birchall Beam: Raster pattern
  • Tuesday

  • 201576 10/19/10 23:40 W. Deconinck Beam: Back to controlled access: C. Keith et al coming in
  • 201575 10/19/10 23:35 W. Deconinck Beam: 1uA CW, 4x4mm, through Compton chicane for Compton edet studies
  • 201574 10/19/10 23:34 W. Deconinck Beam: Requested beam permit, after masking diff pressure FSD
  • 201569 10/19/10 22:15 W. Deconinck Beam: Beam off, target problem, requested escorted access asap
  • 201503 10/19/10 16:57 W. Deconinck Beam: MCC masked the GEM ion chamber FSD
  • 201502 10/19/10 16:52 W. Deconinck Beam: Back to Compton studies
  • 201497 10/19/10 16:27 W. Deconinck Beam: Problem with the gun, should be up in a few minutes again
  • 201474 10/19/10 12:28 dalton Beam: New optics available, 400um x 400um on target
  • 201472 10/19/10 11:51 dalton Beam: New quad settings required by Moller quad outage
  • 201421 10/19/10 04:29 kamyers Beam: having issues getting sttable beam at low current -> skip W plug centering check for now..
  • 201420 10/19/10 04:02 kamyerse Beam: having issues again getting stable lock
  • 201418 10/19/10 03:05 kamyers Beam: orbit lock back up
  • 201414 10/19/10 02:26 kamyers Beam: update on beam restore
  • 201413 10/19/10 01:49 kamyers Beam: orbit lock troubles
  • Monday

  • 201360 10/18/10 15:17 benesch Beam: hall C orbit lock goals updated
  • 201328 10/18/10 11:36 gunning Beam: Down Due to Raster Problem
  • 201322 10/18/10 09:55 birchall Beam: Orbit lock
  • 201320 10/18/10 09:32 birchall Beam: Change of hall BPMs in orbit lock
  • 201319 10/18/10 09:32 birchall Beam: Change of hall BPMs in orbit lock
  • 201311 10/18/10 08:35 gunning Beam: Raster
  • Sunday

  • 201249 10/17/10 22:05 paschke Beam: bpm resolution
  • 201247 10/17/10 21:30 W. Deconinck Beam: RF problems, expert called in
  • 201241 10/17/10 20:43 W. Deconinck Beam: RF trip, another 10-15 mins before beam
  • 201226 10/17/10 18:52 dalton Beam: Pockels cell voltages changed
  • 201204 10/17/10 16:54 W. Deconinck Beam: Start of beam mod studies by Josh & Nur
  • 201193 10/17/10 16:23 W. Deconinck Beam: 1 uA, 4x4 mm raster, goal: checking BPMs
  • 201190 10/17/10 16:20 benesch Beam: FFB vertical changed recently
  • 201183 10/17/10 15:58 W. Deconinck Beam: MCC is reconditioning the gun
  • 201171 10/17/10 14:41 birchall Beam: "Golden" BPM values
  • 201097 10/17/10 00:07 Spayde Beam: Changed PC Voltages Prior to Run 5950
  • Saturday

  • 201090 10/16/10 23:06 Davis, C. Beam: Raster fails
  • 201077 10/16/10 21:30 Spayde Beam: Fast Raster X Went Away for Awhile
  • 201076 10/16/10 21:23 Davis, C. Beam: Raster fails
  • 201070 10/16/10 20:58 Spayde Beam: Prepping for PITA Scan/Ending Run 5941
  • 201013 10/16/10 13:18 gunning Beam: Down Due to Raster Problem
  • 200983 10/16/10 09:14 suleiman Beam: The correct screen for the Injector parity controls
  • Friday

  • 200926 10/15/10 22:38 Spayde Beam: Back In the Saddle
  • 200923 10/15/10 22:19 Spayde Beam: Beam Issues
  • 200888 10/15/10 19:22 Spayde Beam: Going to 100 nA in Order to Shoot the Tungsten Plug
  • 200878 10/15/10 19:05 Spayde Beam: Going to 10 uA
  • 200870 10/15/10 18:35 Spayde Beam: Going to 40 uA on No Target
  • 200867 10/15/10 18:23 Spayde Beam: Requesting 50 uA from MCC on No Target with 4x4 Raster
  • 200804 10/15/10 12:07 birchall Beam: No more than 50 uA of beam until Monday
  • 200780 10/15/10 08:55 birchall Beam: Beam off for injector work at 10:00 until 11:00 today
  • 200710 10/15/10 01:28 Spayde Beam: MCC Takes Beam to Clean Up Losses
  • Thursday

  • 200642 10/14/10 21:54 Beam: Run 5853 Positions and W Plug Rastermap
  • 200634 10/14/10 21:00 Spayde Beam: 100 nA Beam with Orbit Locks On
  • 200621 10/14/10 20:06 benesch Beam: BPMs for final orbit lock
  • 200611 10/14/10 18:28 Spayde Beam: Beam Status
  • 200459 10/14/10 02:08 Spayde Beam: Down Due to Raster Problem
  • Wednesday

  • 200433 10/13/10 23:34 Spayde Beam: Ramping Up to 150 uA
  • 200430 10/13/10 22:58 Spayde Beam: Beam at 1 uA
  • 200429 10/13/10 22:50 Spayde Beam: MCC is Tuning Beam Back Into the Hall
  • 200376 10/13/10 13:13 benesch Beam: orbit lock back to summer configuration
  • 200262 10/13/10 00:29 Spayde Beam: Position Locks Off (Very Late Entry)
  • 200261 10/13/10 00:15 Spayde Beam: BPMs and Halos for Tungsten Plug Centering (right after run 5792)
  • Tuesday

  • 200244 10/12/10 23:10 Spayde Beam: BPMs and Halos for DS Hole Centering (Run 5790)
  • 200237 10/12/10 22:44 Spayde Beam: BPMs and Halos for Tungsten Plug Centering
  • 200217 10/12/10 20:51 Spayde Beam: Switching Back to Straight Through Beampath
  • 200195 10/12/10 19:21 Spayde Beam: Asked MCC for 5 uA
  • 200180 10/12/10 19:00 Spayde Beam: Beam Status
  • 200166 10/12/10 17:29 Spayde Beam: Changed Helicity Reversal Rate to 943 Hz
  • 200162 10/12/10 16:58 Spayde Beam: Changed Helicity Reversal Rate to Something Close to 960 Hz
  • 200118 10/12/10 11:00 dalton Beam: Add to runplan: charge asymmetry feedback calibration
  • 200104 10/12/10 08:51 donjones Beam: strange raster pattern
  • 199936 10/12/10 00:17 Spayde Beam: Asked MCC to Move Beam Right 2 mm and Up 0.5 mm
  • Monday

  • 199925 10/11/10 23:58 Sarah Beam: Screen Capture of BPMs
  • 199924 10/11/10 23:57 Spayde Beam: Fast Raster to 12x12 for W Centering
  • 199916 10/11/10 22:45 Phillips/Spa Beam: Tune Beam and Orbit Locks
  • 199869 10/11/10 17:17 benesch Beam: 3C05 and 3C12B harps fixed
  • 199767 10/11/10 00:19 rob Beam: late entry: troubles with the raster tonight
  • Sunday

  • 199759 10/10/10 23:47 mgericke Beam: Centering on W plug .. the "final" episode ?
  • 199750 10/10/10 22:39 mgericke Beam: Beam or no beam ... that is the question ...
  • 199743 10/10/10 22:29 mgericke Beam: Beam back
  • 199738 10/10/10 21:51 rob Beam: beam is back
  • 199723 10/10/10 20:09 mgericke Beam: Beam centering on W plug take 2
  • 199719 10/10/10 19:56 mgericke Beam: Beam centering on W plug take 1
  • 199692 10/10/10 19:11 rob Beam: turned off halos and lumis to accept tune beam
  • 199675 10/10/10 17:58 mgericke Beam: QTor
  • 199643 10/10/10 16:43 benesch Beam: harp scans with 4x4 raster
  • 199642 10/10/10 16:34 mgericke Beam: Harp scan
  • 199621 10/10/10 15:26 W. Deconinck Beam: Beam tuned by Jay, getting ready for raster centering
  • 199600 10/10/10 12:45 W. Deconinck Beam: Vacuum gauge situation: seems like that gauge is not really important...
  • 199598 10/10/10 12:36 W. Deconinck Beam: Still waiting for beam, vacuum issue...
  • 199596 10/10/10 10:14 W. Deconinck Beam: Vacuum gauge broken (another one)
  • 199567 10/10/10 01:51 mgericke Beam: raster y vs x plots for "beam finding"
  • Saturday

  • 199541 10/09/10 17:17 rob Beam: waiting for beam; next step is to reestablish tune beam
  • Friday



  • 199440 10/07/10 16:32 dalton Beam: Hall C IA disconnected
  • Wednesday









