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Log entry time 11:24:54 on November 08, 2010

Entry number 204743


keyword=If Qtor trips

If Qtor trips again, showing a FAULT on the medm screen, do not try to reset from the GUI. Go to the Hall, observe the state of the LEDs on the power supply, then reset the supply locally. I doubt that this is the case, but there is a small chance that trying to reset from the GUI clears an LED indication of the problem. (And we know that reset from the GUI won't work to bring the power supply back.)

According to the EPICS log of the DCCT, it takes the magnet about 10 seconds to ramp down. It goes to about 1000 amps in the first 5 seconds and then drops to 10 amps in the next 5. So maybe there is time for an FSD. What about shutting the HV off instead?