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User name gaskell

Log entry time 18:24:11 on November 09, 2010

Entry number 205047

This entry is a followup to: 205019


keyword=Moller cold - not full

So - I spoke too soon. For the last few hours I've been trying to get the
Moller full after it "spontaneously" lost level.

I opened the JT to 100%, and the best I could do was basically maintain
the level at 65%. After monkeying around, opening the warm return a
couple times to try to recover, I eventually ended up down at 30% or so. 

Robert from cryo boosted the flow, and it looks like I am slowly
recovering, although the JT is at 100%.

For now, my goal is to try and recover, keep it full overnight, and try
to understand tomorrow what the trouble is.

I still have not tried to ramp up the solenoid, and there is no lead flow

Figure 1