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User name W. Deconinck

Log entry time 19:03:18 on November 22, 2010

Entry number 208076

keyword=Run plan for swing and owl

Run Plan Instructions:

0.1 Pedestal run once per shift: 
* with DAQ running, request beam set to zero (with no steps, if possible)
* accumulate beam-off data for five minutes 
* continue asymmetry data taking 
0.2 Injector DAQ: start injector runs in sync with regular runs 

1. Event-mode running (contact: John Leckey and Josh Hoskins) 
* Current: 0.010 uA ~ 0.300 uA current on LH2, possibly as low as 100 pA 
* Set BCM gains to 5 
* VDCs rotated to all octants 
* Runs with TS-only and MD-only triggers 

Trigger scintillator threshold scan: 
* 30 mins 

Mandatory program: 
* 60 mins setup hall and beam Octants 1+5 
* 30 mins data 1+5 10-40 nA 
* 60 mins move to 4+8 and restore beam 
* 30 mins data 4+8 10-40 nA 
* 60 mins move to 3+7 and restore beam 
* 30 mins data 3+7 10-40 nA 
* 30 mins 100 pA data 3+7 
* 30 mins back to current mode, retract chambers 

Time permitting: 
* 60 mins move to 2+6 and restore beam 
* 30 mins data 2+6 10-40 nA 
* 60 mins move to 7+3 and restore beam 
* 30 mins data 7+3 10-40 nA 

2. Halo monitor studies (John Leacock, page) 
* 1 hour 
* if at 3x3 LH2 the rate is 75 Hz/uA or smaller page John 
* up to 150 uA at 3x3 on LH2 and no target 
* 40 uA on 4% US Al