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Log entry time 18:22:09 on November 26, 2010

Entry number 208603


keyword=Run Status

Rick Gonzalez came in to help us get around the faulty vacuum gauge problem that was falsely indicating a bad scattering chamber vacuum by tripping off all the time. (VCG3H09A - "transition".

His solution was to turn off the faulty gauge controller, and to connect the VCG3H09C gauge ("surge tank") controller to the FSD system. Since the 09C gauge reads the same vacuum environment, this is an acceptable solution. The 09C reading now appears in our target control gui (bottom right hand side, labelled "Vacuum Pressure"). Talked to Greg and got permission for the TO to increase the hi and hihi alarm handler limits because the 09C gauge reads a little higher than the 09A one did. Nur has logged this.

Greg pointed out that during the swap, we want to make sure the extra turbo pump on the scattering chamber doesn't get cut out of the loop by having its valves closed. This new pump does not appear on the hall C vacuum control display, but we need it to be running or we'll have more problems. I checked this and showed Rick Gonzalez where the new turbo valve switch is. He also walked around the hall and checked that the other turbos in the downstream part of the Hall C line were in good shape..