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User name Gaskell / Deconinck

Log entry time 17:57:59 on January 04, 2011

Entry number 212566

keyword=Compton: Compton asymmetry changes with laser helicity (and IHWP)

When comparing run 20437 with IHWP OUT and run 20409 with IHWP IN, with opposite laser helicity for these two runs, the asymmetries of the compton photon scaler channel are:

run 20437: asym = -0.648 +/- 0.032 % run 20409: asym = -0.926 +/- 0.036 %

This indicates that toggling the laser helicity and changing the IHWP state at the same time leaves the sign of the asymmetry unchanged...

Note: these asymmetries are not background subtracted, they are just raw asymmetries straight out of an (incompletely analyzed) ROOT file.

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