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User name cdaq

Log entry time 03:15:39 on January 7, 2011

Entry number 212751

keyword=Run 8560: test run

Experiment qweak

Run #8560 - /net/cdaq/scratch2/qweak/rawdata/track_noR1_8560.dat.0

HV used HV.2010-12-02-09:50:00.hvcHV.2010-12-02-09:50:00.hvc
PS1 0 0
PS2 16777215 16777215
PS3 16777215 16777215
PS4 16777215 16777215
PS5 65535 65535
PS6 0 0
PS7 65535 65535
PS8 65535 65535
Beam Energy (MeV) 1159.61 1159.61
Beam Current BCM1 (uA) 1.04841 1.04841
Beam Current BCM2 (uA) 0.485638 0.485638
Half Wave Plate IN IN
Raster (width) X mm 3 3
Raster (height) Y mm 3 3
Qweak Target HOME=OutOfBeam HOME=OutOfBeam
All pmts fine? yesyes
Number of sick pmts

there are no scanner events in epics so I want to see if there are any in the DAQ