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User name leacock

Log entry time 08:09:07 on January 07, 2011

Entry number 212799

keyword=owl shift summary

SL -- John Leacock, TO -- Silviu Covrig, 3rd -- Arthur Mkrtchyan

Summary: No beam at the start of the shift. There was a vacuum issue in the North Linac so we did not get beam until 7am. Between 7am and 8am we were able to center on the tungsten plug and center on targets US 2x2, DS 2x2, US 2x2 BR, and US 6x6. Mark Pitt is in and has started the low current beam characterization plan.


00:00 -- QTOR continues to trip, paged Joe, no response. Decide to leave QTOR off and press on because I think I remember centering the targets without QTOR on before. It is not ideal but it is the best we have right now.

00:20 -- Ask for 1 uA CW to center beam on W plug. MCC first needs to test the upstream target ion chamber. ~15 minutes

00:48 -- Arthur is going to try to put the scanner in the 0,0 position. It is currently at 526,0.

00:52 -- Vacuum problems in the North Linac. MCC is calling in an expert and we are probably down for a couple of hours

01:20 -- Moved scanner to 0,0.

03:30 -- Call from MCC. Vacuum experts are onsite but need radcon to access hot area.

04:00 -- Cannot switch to parity mode. cc'd Han

05:11 -- North Linac to beam permit!

05:52 -- All HV off in preparation for beam.

06:40 -- MCC is testing upstream target ion chamber.

06:53 -- We have beam!

07:00 - 08:00 -- centered beam on tungsten plug, centered targets (US 2x2, DS 2x2, US 2x2 BR, US 6x6)

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