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User name Armstrong

Log entry time 11:29:38 on January 10, 2011

Entry number 213579


keyword=status update

Hall is in restricted access.

As noted earlier, John has moved the Region 3 chambers to the "parked" position. MUX electronics and low-voltage (preamp-discrim) are powered off.

Region 2 is still in the measurement position, and need to moved to the parked position.

Main detector group needs to change the MD bases from event mode to current mode.

Joe has arrived. He and John Leckey will be working on QTor power supply. Arshak will act as shift leader while John is in the Hall.

The Region 1 access shielding-block has been removed. I don't know if RadCon has yet had a chance to assess radiation levels in Region 1 to know if/when Dave can start his shielding installation work. Only people in the Hall when I checked a few minutes ago were Joe and John.