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User name gaskell

Log entry time 20:17:17 on January 11,2011

Entry number 213803

keyword=Moller cooldown update

Unfortunately, the Moller is still not cold.

I successfully made the transition to cold return, and we have been waiting for the temperature at the new heat exchanger to come down to nominal values (22-25 K). However, in the meantime, some rather significant oscillations in flow have developed.

Long story short, the Moller cooldwon is stalled at about 8 K in the coil. The temp. at the heat exchanger is dropping VERY slowly, and there are temp. oscillations at the Moller inlet. I suspect that one of the Moller cryo lines needs more attention - this will have to happen tomorrow.

I'm going to leave the Moller as it is over night so we don't lose all the ground gained today. However, this will limit the max current on the target.