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User name leacock

Log entry time 17:28:08 on January 13, 2011

Entry number 214263

keyword=dslumi odds attenuated upstairs

The dslumi odds were saturating at 170uA. I have attenuated the signal going into the ADCs. The setting is 0.2 which, if we were measuring with a 50 ohm impedance dmm, would be 20% of the original signal. The input to the ADC is ~100kohm (I think) so the actual value is 36% of original signal.

I thought about T'ing the inputs with 50 ohm but I remember doing this last summer and seeing a high tail.

dslumi7 is not saturating. I don't if this is a lumi problem or a beam steering problem. It could be a bad pedestal... I will investigate.

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