Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name mack

Log entry time 21:46:31 on January 13, 2011

Entry number 214332

This entry is a followup to: 214114

keyword=BCM5,6 time constant improving but long way to go

Tonite the BCM5 time constant is ~28 microseconds. (Figure 1 shows BCM2 on channel 1, and BCM5 on channel 2.)

Last nite the BCM5 time constant was ~48 microseconds. (Figure 2, taken from hclog 214114 for convenience, shows MD1- and BCM5 from last nite.)

The 1/e time constant goal for the trailing edge of the BCM signals to match the MD is 7-8 microseconds. The BCM5 time constant is moving in the right direction but it has a ways to go.

Figure 3 shows an undershoot on the LumiDS1 signal presumably related to the new attenuators. MD1- on ch1, LumiDS1 on ch2, BCM2 on ch3, and BCM5 on ch4 (missing). BCM5,6 were unplugged downstairs at the time and later restored.

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Figure 1: BCM2 and BCM5 tonite

Figure 2: MD1- and BCM5 last nite

Figure 3: note undershoot on ch2 (blue)