Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name jhlee

Log entry time 22:35:15 on January 14, 2011

Entry number 214574

This entry is a followup to: 214551

keyword=You can see these errors on normal parity run also.

You can see these errors on  normal parity run also. :-)

I need one week shutdown to fix all these problem right now.
It is a joke that is not funny for me.

I didn't check them very carefully, I will do it later.
And one must not run, the qwfeedback and qwparity online
within 1 sec. Then, the both and coda will be crashed,
because our evio class needs one second. 

I was trying to fix this issue, but no time allow me to do 
this now. Anyone wants to study ET system with me?

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