Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name cdaq

Log entry time 16:48:40 on January 15, 2011

Entry number 214687

keyword=End of Run 9044:

Experiment qweak

End of Run #9044 - /net/cdaq/scratch2/qweak/rawdata/parity_9044.dat.0

 Run Number: 9044
End of Run Comment:
ended due to 

daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 156 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000007
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 157 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000010
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 0 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000007
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 1 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000010
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 100 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000007
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 101 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000010
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 200 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000007
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 201 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000010
socket 20 closed
thread exit for TS0
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 44 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000007
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 45 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000010
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 144 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000007
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 145 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000010
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 244 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000007
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 245 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000010
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 88 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000007
daLogMsg: ERROR: Event (Num 89 type 1) SYNC mismatch -- ROC mask = 0x00000017 , SYNC mask = 0x00000010
daLogMsg: FATAL: Event (Num -1 type 20) NUMBER mismatch -- stream3 (rocid 4) sent 97 (type 1)
daLogMsg: ERROR: Discard data until next control event
socket 12 closed
thread exit for ROC2
daLogMsg: WARN: Found sync point 20 for ROC stream1
daLogMsg: WARN: Found sync point 20 for ROC stream0
daLogMsg: WARN: Found sync point 20 for ROC stream2
socket 19 closed
thread exit for ROC1
daLogMsg: WARN: Found sync point 20 for ROC stream3
daLogMsg: WARN: Resyncronised via control event
got all end events!!!!
ROC mask 23 force_end 3

*** EPICS values at end of run ***
Beam current BCM1    =    95.33 uA
Beam current BCM2    =    93.90 uA
Beam current BCM17   =   -45.57 uA
Beam Energy          =  1162.06 MeV
Qweak magnet current =  8920.20 A
Qweak magnetic field =  -711.20 G
HalfWave Plate state = OUT
 Qweak Target                          :  HYDROGEN-CELL  	(QWtgt_name)
 Hall C fast feedback                 :  On  	(FB_C:FB_On)
 Hall C fast feedback                 :  1  	(FB_C:status:ON)
 Hall C energy lock                   :  RF On  	(FB_C:use_RF)
 Hall A energy lock                   :  RF Off  	(FB_A:use_RF)
 Raster (width) X mm                  :  4  	(EHCFR_LIXWidth)
 Raster (height) Y mm                 :  4  	(EHCFR_LIYWidth)

 Wien angle (Vertical)                :  88.825  	(VWienAngle)
 Wien Vertical BDL (Gcm)              :  2143.9  	(MWF1I04.BDL)
 Wien HV Polarity                     :  POSITIVE  	(IGL1I00OD16_4)
 Wien electrode Voltage               :  0  	(IGL1I00DAC6)
 Wien angle (Solenoids)               :  89.7547  	(Phi_FG)
 Wien BDL (First Solenoid) (Gcm)      :  876  	(MFG1I04A.BDL)
 Wien BDL (Second Solenoid) (Gcm)     :  857  	(MFG1I04B.BDL)
 Wien angle (Horizontal)              :  -63.1997  	(HWienAngle)
 Wien BDL (Gcm)                       :  -1430.1  	(MWF0I02.BDL)
 Wien HV Polarity (Horizontal)        :  NEGATIVE  	(IGL1I00OD16_9)
 Wien electrode Voltage (Horizontal)  :  0  	(IGL1I00DAC5)
 Beam Half-wave plate Set(off=out)    :  OUT  	(IGL1I00OD16_16)
 Beam Half-wave plate Read(off=out)   :  OUT  	(IGL1I00DI24_24M)
 Rotating waveplate                   :  3950  	(psub_pl_pos)
 IA Cell Setpoint  Hall A             :  4.96  	(IGLdac3:ao_7)
 IA Cell Setpoint  Hall B             :  0.466422  	(IGL1I00AI20)
 IA Cell Setpoint  Hall C             :  3  	(IGLdac3:ao_4)
 Gun2: PC (PITA) POS                  :  7.5  	(IGLdac2:G2Ch3Pos)
 Gun2: PC (PITA) NEG                  :  5  	(IGLdac2:G2Ch4Neg)
 Pockels Cell ON/OFF                  :  ON  	(IGL1I00OD16_8)
 Pockels Cell X Stage                 :  0.0054  	(cdipc_xpos)
 Pockels Cell Y Stage                 :  -0.04745  	(cdipc_ypos)
 Wager X Stage                        :  750  	(psub_cx_pos)
 Wager Y Stage                        :  700  	(psub_cy_pos)
 Helicity Clock Set                   :  Free Clock  	(HELCLOCKs)
 Helicity Delay Set                   :  8 windows  	(HELDELAYs)
 Helicity Pattern Set                 :  Quartet  	(HELPATTERNs)
 Helicity Clock Read                  :  Free Clock  	(HELCLOCKd)
 Helicity Settle Read                 :  70  	(HELTSETTLEd)
 Helicity Stable Read                 :  971.65  	(HELTSTABLEd)
 Helicity Delay Read                  :  8 windows  	(HELDELAYd)
 Helicity Pattern Read                :  Quartet  	(HELPATTERNd)
 Helicity Frequency                   :  960.015  	(HELFREQ)

  PS1         =          0  
  PS2         =   16777215  
  PS3         =   16777215  
  PS4         =   16777215  
  PS5         =      65535  
  PS6         =      65535  
  PS7         =      65535  
  PS8         =      65535  
  TS0 keywords:  
  TS0 vqwksamples      =        116 
  TS0 vqwkdelay        =         20 
  TS0 vqwkblocks       =          4 
  TS0 vqwkperiod       =          0 
  ROC1 vqwksamples     =        116 
  ROC1 vqwkdelay       =         20 
  ROC1 vqwkblocks      =          4 
  ROC1 vqwkperiod      =          0 
  ROC1 vqwkinternal    =          2 
  ROC2 vqwksamples     =        116 
  ROC2 vqwkdelay       =         20 
  ROC2 vqwkblocks      =          4 
  ROC2 vqwkperiod      =          0 
  ROC2 vqwkinternal    =          2 
