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User name wdconinc

Log entry time 21:21:03 on January 16, 2011

Entry number 214862

keyword=Warming up Moller to stabilize 4K cryo flow

We will warm up the Moller to stabilize the 4K flow. On Tuesday we will take a Mott measurement as first item of the beam studies.

The fluctuations of the 4K cryo flow increased today, and now that we are back to 150uA running this becomes a bit more critical. We decided to warm up the Moller, which we need to do now if we want to pump it on Tuesday during the beam studies for a longer term solution to the fluctuations. Cool-down of the Moller could coincide with Al running... (keeping Katherine on her toes)

Cryo (Errol Yuksek) was notified of our plans, but he didn't express any concerns (no response on two pages, actually). Greg and Dave both don't see an immediate need to call in a cryo expert.

On Tuesday, Joe Grames will take a Mott measurement. The Mott has been equipped with new detectors and is a bit in a commissioning stage, but we can still correlate the measurement taken with the new Mott detectors and the Moller later. Joe and Arne (PD) are OK with this plan for the beam studies.

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