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User name covrig

Log entry time 06:50:05 on January 22, 2011

Entry number 215948

keyword=Target: screens shot

Target is stable.

Vacuum dropped on A gauge (in the transition region) by a factor of 3 between noon and 2pm yesterday, right at the end of the Moller run. The drop on the target chamber vacuum gauge, B, was from 0.51 uTorr to 0.46 uTorr. Although it seems to be a real change does not seem to be correlated with any target parameters (lh2 temperatures, pressures, motion, and coolant temperatures, pressures, flows).

The beam line exit window cooling water temperatures seem to be behaving as expected. The supply temperature warms by 4.5 degrees under 150 uA beam and the temperature difference between return and supply is 1.4 degrees and stable. If the beam lit window is also washed by water, the window should be doing fine at 150 uA.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3