Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name mack

Log entry time 12:49:52 on January 22, 2011

Entry number 215979

This entry is a followup to: 215967

keyword=big MD8+ widths --> bad

We need to fix this!

Twice the width is equivalent to 1/4 the weight (the relative weight may be even smaller after regressions), assuming channels are optimally weighted in the analyzer. This channel would be effectively "off".

If detector channel weighting has not been enabled in the analyzer yet, then the statistics in several other channels are basically being wasted to compensate for the extra noise in MD8+.

Short term: we try to fix it. Longer term: Weight channels properly if we're not already doing so. That might be easier said than done depending on what algorithm is used to make whole bar asymmetries.

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