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Log entry time 18:14:17 on January 23, 2011

Entry number 216218

keyword=Target: Scattering chamber - backing pump gate valve check (ok)

Greg was concerned that the scattering chamber vacuum is about 10x what it was yesterday, although it has been rock solid since this afternoon at least, at around 8 uTorr. Entered the hall briefly to check the backing pump gate valve during controlled access while Scott and Dave went to work on MD switchover.

Went up to the 1st deck of the blue platform and saw that both the 'open' (green) and 'closed' (red) button / indicator lights were off. Pushed the green button a couple of times, nothing happened. The gauge read 4.5x10-3 Torr.

Phoned Greg who diagnosed all is well because the indicator light for "open" had recently burned out, but the other light did not indicate it was closed. It would be good to get this indicator light fixed soon. not sure whose job list this would be on but I'll copy to Andy Kenyon just so he knows about this.

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