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User name covrig

Log entry time 06:51:05 on January 28, 2011

Entry number 216927

keyword=Target: lh2 pump tripped, recovered

While Kathrine was in the Hall with Arthur trying to reset the Qtor ps, the LH2 pump tripped @ 6:13:06 with fault 7, Current Limit Fault, and was reset and running again in some 30 sec.

It takes less than 30 sec for the upper part of the loop to warm by 2 K (the liquid boils at 23.7 K, so in one minute it starts boiling!), and it takes the hph-pid about 3 min to recover peak-to-peak < 0.5 K. It also takes the lower part of the loop to cool by 4 K in 30 sec, which means that at this cooling power the lower part of the loop sees slosh/ice in 45 sec (the hx probably sooner than that).

Figure 1

Figure 2