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User name Birchall

Log entry time 11:08:52 on January 29, 2011

Entry number 217119

keyword=Analysis: US and DS Al targets

Attachment 1 show position sensitivities from run 9500 with 4% DS Al target, 4 mm raster at 30 muA. Good quality data with position sensitivities of 238 +/- 95 ppm/mm in x and -119 +/- 72 ppm/mm in y.

Attachment 2 is for run 9506 for 1% US Al target, 4 mm raster at 30 muA. The quality of the data is significantly worse with a washed-out sensitivity distribution in x and only a fair fit in y.

So we still have problems with upstream Al targets, at least at 4 mm raster. Should explore 3.5 and 3 mm rasters. As the present neutral axis has the beam a little to the right on the W plug, perhaps we should move the beam ~0.5 mm to the left at bpm 3h09b, then adjust left/right at bpm 3h07c to recover the neutral axis.

Figure 1

Figure 2