Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for February 11 - Compton

  • Main INDEX






  • 222082 02/25/11 23:16 V. Tvaskis Compton: Beam Polarization
  • 222037 02/25/11 07:17 narayan Compton: Compton ROC0, ROC1, ROC2 and NIM crate has been powered down
  • 222011 02/25/11 03:26 narayan Compton: e-detector lowered
  • Thursday

  • 221920 02/24/11 13:58 gaskell Compton: updated cavity power EPICS calibration
  • 221894 02/24/11 09:26 dalton Compton: Cavity power signal strength halved
  • 221840 02/24/11 01:44 wdconinc Compton: Automatic disk cleanup disabled
  • Wednesday

  • 221802 02/23/11 20:36 wdconinc Compton: HAPPEx timing board in vmec8
  • 221792 02/23/11 19:24 wdconinc Compton: Runs 21000 and later not going to tape
  • 221787 02/23/11 19:19 wdconinc Compton: cdaql3 (R.I.P.) was our data tracker
  • 221751 02/23/11 17:11 gaskell Compton: photon detector wiring changes
  • 221732 02/23/11 16:17 wdconinc Compton: HV trip, recovered
  • 221707 02/23/11 12:29 wdconinc Compton: Changed photon event trigger prescaler
  • 221696 02/23/11 11:21 dalton Compton: strange snapshots
  • 221693 02/23/11 10:46 dalton Compton: scaler trigger rate change with DAQ state?
  • 221687 02/23/11 10:29 dalton Compton: Lots of pedestal data
  • Tuesday

  • 221575 02/22/11 22:00 wdconinc Compton: Run 20974 was restarted...
  • 221573 02/22/11 21:38 dalton Compton: Possible bug in auto analyser
  • Monday

  • 221351 02/21/11 20:04 donjones Compton: correlation between background and photon detector rates quadratic
  • 221327 02/21/11 16:51 donjones Compton: no apparent correlation between backgrounds and position drifts in IPM3H04
  • 221316 02/21/11 14:50 wdconinc Compton: Automatic backed-up data removal when necessary
  • 221227 02/21/11 00:48 wdconinc Compton: Removed old data files that are on silo
  • Sunday

  • 221120 02/20/11 12:18 dalton Compton: FADC yield structures
  • 221104 02/20/11 10:56 dalton Compton: labview laser control program crash
  • Saturday

  • 221034 02/19/11 23:30 dalton Compton: Changes to the crl
  • 221008 02/19/11 20:59 dalton Compton: Changed HV to 1700 V
  • 221000 02/19/11 20:20 dalton Compton: ROC1 crash act 1, scene 3
  • 220996 02/19/11 20:09 dalton Compton: ROC1 crash act 1, scene 2
  • 220994 02/19/11 20:01 dalton Compton: ROC1 crash in the act
  • 220985 02/19/11 19:22 dalton Compton: Restarting CODA
  • 220980 02/19/11 18:47 gaskell Compton: DAQ crash screen shots
  • 220967 02/19/11 16:33 brads Compton: DAQ ROC1 issues
  • 220898 02/19/11 10:38 silwal Compton: DAQ hung up again, ROC1 issues
  • 220891 02/19/11 10:26 silwal Compton: compton DAQ running now
  • 220880 02/19/11 10:01 silwal Compton: compton DAQ issues
  • Friday

  • 220751 02/18/11 17:59 donjones Compton: coda keeps crashing due "unresponsive component"
  • 220741 02/18/11 17:24 narayan Compton: edetector lowered @8.69 from Home
  • 220736 02/18/11 17:05 donjones Compton: lowest background rates I've seen
  • 220687 02/18/11 02:18 narayan Compton: e-detector parked for now
  • Thursday

  • 220684 02/17/11 21:08 gaskell/donj Compton: flipper mount replaced
  • Wednesday

  • 220645 02/16/11 21:49 wdconinc Compton: Silo copy/back-up is current again
  • 220641 02/16/11 19:30 wdconinc Compton: DAQ tests -> does sync assert L1A?
  • 220635 02/16/11 17:57 brads/wdconi Compton: Gb eth card in ccomptl1
  • Tuesday

  • 220542 02/15/11 22:06 gaskell Compton: ROC 1 again
  • 220536 02/15/11 21:33 donjones/gas Compton: cpslow replaced
  • 220516 02/15/11 19:27 wdconinc Compton: None of the Compton data files backed up since Jan 18...
  • 220462 02/15/11 09:33 gaskell Compton: likely related to QDC
  • 220451 02/15/11 08:20 Darko Compton: Compton problem from last evening is unsolved
  • Monday

  • 220388 02/14/11 23:58 jhlee Compton: ROC1 is dead
  • 220381 02/14/11 23:16 jhlee Compton: DAQ crashed, restarted
  • 220366 02/14/11 21:22 wdconinc/dal Compton: some more pictures
  • 220365 02/14/11 21:10 dalton/wdcon Compton: FADC versus QDC
  • 220324 02/14/11 16:43 gaskell Compton: backgrounds more stable
  • 220278 02/14/11 11:02 wdconinc Compton: Please add some information/screenshots when CODA crashes
  • 220185 02/14/11 01:58 narayan Compton: e-detector positioned ~ 4 mm from beam
  • Sunday

  • 220113 02/13/11 18:24 narayan/tvas Compton: preparing to lower edet
  • 220094 02/13/11 15:59 wdconinc Compton: Autoanalyzer first pass analysis scripts re-enabled
  • 220075 02/13/11 14:22 wdconinc Compton: Connected signal to QDC before run 20837
  • 220072 02/13/11 14:13 wdconinc Compton: eDet CODA working again
  • 220034 02/13/11 10:23 narayan Compton: e-detector AFECS issues
  • 220024 02/13/11 09:14 gaskell Compton: laser locked and cycling
  • Saturday

  • 219963 02/12/11 23:01 narayan Compton: stopped this run because we found the laser was off
  • 219925 02/12/11 17:22 gaskell Compton: all runs taken so far with 1550 v
  • 219880 02/12/11 11:44 gaskell Compton: stable signal and background
  • 219875 02/12/11 11:10 donjones Compton:overnight running shows no signal
  • Friday

  • 219812 02/11/11 22:11 gaskell Compton: large loss at A2 was good for Compton
  • 219809 02/11/11 21:59 gaskell Compton: photon detector discriminator
  • 219805 02/11/11 21:30 gaskell Compton: good rate follow up
  • 219800 02/11/11 21:20 gaskell Compton: rates good ever so briefly
  • 219796 02/11/11 20:25 gaskell Compton: removed some photon detector shielding
  • 219753 02/11/11 15:49 wdconinc Compton: Switched to a different afecs version
  • Thursday

  • 219541 02/10/11 15:21 gaskell Compton: rebooted cpslow
  • 219540 02/10/11 15:20 gaskell Compton: bypassed photon detector amplifier
  • Wednesday

  • 219324 02/09/11 18:15 wdconinc Compton: Fast counting photon DAQ with helicity
  • 219258 02/09/11 09:55 donjones Compton: run 20807 junk -- coda crashed
  • Tuesday

  • 219173 02/08/11 23:38 narayan Compton: No need to run compton DAQ during upcoming Owl
  • 219092 02/08/11 15:09 gaskell Compton: changed discriminator threshold to 100 mV
  • 219081 02/08/11 14:13 donjones Compton: no signal plugged in for run 20799
  • 219056 02/08/11 12:22 gaskell Compton: reboot cpslow
  • 219055 02/08/11 12:21 gaskell Compton: amplifier for photon detector
  • Monday

  • 218932 02/07/11 20:06 wdconinc Compton: Compton: event mode DAQ now working
  • 218924 02/07/11 19:28 donjones Compton: pulser closer to 100kHz
  • 218774 02/07/11 02:37 wdconinc Compton: event mode DAQ prospects
  • 218760 02/07/11 01:16 wdconinc Compton: ext trig FADC timed in, up to 3 kHz
  • Sunday







  • 218105 02/03/11 13:53 narayan Compton: HV status
  • 218103 02/03/11 13:37 narayan Compton: all scintillators turned Off
  • 218072 02/03/11 09:31 gaskell Compton: quit all processes on cpslow
  • 218048 02/03/11 01:49 michaelm Compton: Hall C laser phase adjusted +2.6 degrees
  • Wednesday

  • 218009 02/02/11 22:28 wdconinc Compton: Events timed in for QDC and FADC
  • Tuesday

  • 217804 02/01/11 23:25 donjones Compton: pull beam out of chicane if cComptScintRateNorm>5000Hz/uA