Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name rakithab

Log entry time 14:42:28 on March 12, 2011

Entry number 223144

This entry is a followup to: 223142

keyword=Scanner moved to 0,-90 position

I followed instructions in the wiki to move the scanner to 0,-90 position.

Here is the command history

[cdaq@cdaql6 ~]$ scannergo
scannergo: Command not found.
[cdaq@cdaql6 ~]$ ssh cdaq@qweakl1
cdaq@qweakl1's password: 
Last login: Fri Mar 11 19:10:29 2011 from
JLAB RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.3 installed on (Thu Aug 20 11:24:33 EDT 2009)
[cdaq@qweakl1 ~]$ scannergo
Successfully connected to controller, host
Type 'help' for a list of available commands.
Manual (sort of) in the Qweak wiki.

scannergo> init
2011-03-12 14:24:58: send: XQ#INIT,3
waiting for 1 unsolicited responses; Ctrl-C returns to prompt
2011-03-12 14:25:01:  get: INITIALIZED

scannergo> homing
2011-03-12 14:26:23: send: XQ#HOMING,3
waiting for 4 unsolicited responses; Ctrl-C returns to prompt
2011-03-12 14:26:24:  get: HOMING...
2011-03-12 14:27:53:  get: HIT X REVERSE LIMIT
2011-03-12 14:27:58:  get: HOMING CONTINUED...
2011-03-12 14:30:26:  get: HOMING COMPLETED

scannergo> goto 0, -90
2011-03-12 14:39:18: send: PA -72558, -84745; BG
scannergo> tp
2011-03-12 14:39:33: send: TP
2011-03-12 14:39:33:  get:  -72558, -33391
        318.8   -90.0   mm