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User name brads

Log entry time 20:59:39 on March 28, 2011

Entry number 225417


keyword=Thermocouples in place -- position map to EPICS values

We've got 8 thermocouples hooked up. All are reading roughly 20-21C right now (which is good).

Figure 1 shows the position map to EPICS values. I'm using the cable numbers below -- the figure shows the map to EPICS values

The upper-most thermocouples, running from the dump towards the target are: 1-4, 1-1, 2-4, 2-3. The row on the beam-right side along the horizontal mid-plane of the beam axis is: 2-2, 1-3. The lowest row is on the beam-left side of the bottom: 2-1, 1-2.

The thermocouples are clipped to the vertical face of the flanges, so 1-4, 2-1, 2-2 are on Al flange on the downstream side of the bellows; 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 are on the SS downstream bellows flange; 2-4 is on the upstream bellows flange; 2-3 is on the huge Al flange that the bellows mates with on the upstream side.

Dave Hamlette has photos that I will post as soon as I can.

[Yes, the upper-most thermocouples are at 11 o'clock 'as the beam flies', not 1 o'clock -- that was my error. I didn't realize that until we were out of the Hall. I don't think it matters enough to climb up and rotate them all by a few inches...]

Figure 1