Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for March 11 - Compton

  • Main INDEX


  • 225845 03/31/11 15:40 gaskell Compton: beam modulation signal ok I guess
  • 225835 03/31/11 14:30 donjones Compton: deleted first three laserwise cycles of run 21276
  • 225826 03/31/11 13:34 gaskell Compton: beam modulation signal
  • 225810 03/31/11 12:12 narayan Compton: EB0 Crashed
  • 225766 03/31/11 08:11 gaskell Compton: runs 21288 to 21291 have no modulation signal to Compton
  • Wednesday

  • 225626 03/30/11 12:23 wdconinc Compton: Autoanalyzer with 4 jobs to cdaql3
  • Tuesday

  • 225519 03/29/11 20:51 narayan Compton: e-detector at standard position
  • 225517 03/29/11 20:47 narayan Compton: this run stopped due to ROC2 hangup
  • Monday

  • 225350 03/28/11 10:14 gaskell Compton: turned on laser
  • Sunday

  • 225322 03/27/11 20:53 wdconinc Compton: Autoanalyzer should be invoked automatically again
  • Saturday



  • 225270 03/25/11 15:18 gaskell Compton: laser LBO optimization complete
  • 225263 03/25/11 11:00 gaskell Compton: started LBO optimization on laser
  • Thursday



  • 225203 03/23/11 19:51 wdconinc Compton: PMT dark box: no baseline shift at high rate with low signal size
  • 225173 03/23/11 10:31 narayan Compton: e-detector parked
  • Tuesday

  • 225160 03/22/11 19:45 wdconinc Compton: Upgraded qwcompton auto-analyzer in ~/compton/QwAnalysis
  • 225145 03/22/11 16:20 gaskell Compton: Added modulation "ramp" signal to Compton DAQ
  • 225132 03/22/11 11:35 gaskell Compton: added 1MHz clock to Compton DAQ
  • 225127 03/22/11 10:56 wdconinc Compton: Data written to tape
  • Monday

  • 225114 03/21/11 21:20 wdconinc Compton: Restored data_tracker (on cdaql6)
  • 225098 03/21/11 16:00 gaskell Compton: turned off laser
  • 225089 03/21/11 12:28 donjones Compton: PD cable unplugged
  • Sunday



  • 225037 03/19/11 18:06 narayan/wdco Compton: Integrated photon and electron detector DAQ
  • 225018 03/19/11 14:48 wdconinc Compton: Data disk filling up, no tape backup due to RIP cdaql3
  • 225015 03/19/11 14:31 wdconinc Compton: Restarted firstpass autoanalyzer after ccomptl1 reboot
  • 224998 03/19/11 12:16 wdconinc Compton: DAQ systems work better when cables are plugged in
  • 224968 03/19/11 09:23 narayan Compton: e-detector
  • 224906 03/19/11 02:20 narayan Compton: ROC1 keeps going unresponsive
  • Friday

  • 224836 03/18/11 21:50 dalton Compton: okay it's working
  • 224833 03/18/11 21:44 dalton Compton: ccomptl1 reboot
  • 224789 03/18/11 19:29 dalton Compton: HELP! I can't configure CODA
  • Thursday

  • 224302 03/17/11 07:47 gaskell Compton: GSO test runs 3/17/2011
  • 224298 03/17/11 07:39 narayan Compton: e-detector status
  • 224297 03/17/11 07:36 narayan Compton: e-detector HV taken upto 500V
  • 224277 03/17/11 06:38 gaskell Compton: new FADC out, old FADC in
  • 224261 03/17/11 05:46 gaskell Compton: GSO rates at 1700 V, 150 uA
  • 224243 03/17/11 05:18 gaskell Compton: backgrounds and scintillator HV
  • 224230 03/17/11 04:43 narayan Compton: Beam modulation turned off during run # 10810
  • 224204 03/17/11 01:09 narayan Compton: e-detector lowered
  • Wednesday

  • 224089 03/16/11 13:19 gaskell Compton: quit laser controls
  • 224065 03/16/11 08:29 narayan Compton: detector parked
  • 224027 03/16/11 05:25 dalton Compton: Ramping up HV on GSO
  • Tuesday









  • 222827 03/11/11 17:51 gaskell Compton: moved "user" photon signal channel
  • 222823 03/11/11 17:31 gaskell Compton: GSO off
  • Thursday

  • 222692 03/10/11 13:58 dalton Compton: FADC swap
  • Wednesday

  • 222564 03/09/11 18:12 gaskell Compton: swapped FADC
  • 222546 03/09/11 16:30 donjones Compton: new scaler channel added for Compton
  • Tuesday



  • 222403 03/07/11 18:39 donjones Compton: disabled error reporting on CPSLOW
  • Sunday





  • 222288 03/04/11 13:23 gaskell/dalt Compton: Hall A GSO detector installed
  • Thursday



  • 222214 03/02/11 18:55 wdconinc Compton: Enabled automatic log entries for electron detector DAQ
  • 222189 03/02/11 16:41 wdconinc Compton: Replaced FADC with 4V input range board
  • Tuesday