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User name Ramesh

Log entry time 11:47:52 on April 29, 2011

Entry number 230802

This entry is a followup to: 230268

keyword=Analysis: Cavity bcm calibration using run 11644

The calibration constants posted here are effective for the run range


and the constants are:

                 pedestal       gain
qwk_bcm5        ,5715.04,       0.00146555
qwk_bcm6        ,7042.88,       0.00160408

The plots showing these constants and the cross-check for the goodness of the calibration are shown in figures 1 and 2.

This calibration was done due to the event that turned off bcm5,6 electronics in the counting house on April 21 day shift as posted in hclog entry The above run range had wrong gain settings for bcm5,6 in the bcm5,6 montecello.

A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: jhlee

Figure 1

Figure 2