Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for April 11 - Target

  • Main INDEX


  • 231079 04/30/11 22:23 narayan Target: the current monitoring bcm on target was chnaged to ibcm1 for a moment
  • 231037 04/30/11 17:23 narayan Target: vmec18 alarms once in a while
  • 230968 04/30/11 08:33 Pitt Target: Beginning of shift screenshot
  • 230938 04/30/11 03:37 L.Lee Target: Tungsten plug temp alarm, goes to 32.4
  • 230908 04/30/11 00:00 L.Lee Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots at the start of owl shift
  • Friday

  • 230887 04/29/11 21:03 hamlet Target: Changed high limmit for bellows temperature from 95.0 to 99.0
  • 230868 04/29/11 19:08 hamlet Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots at the beam current 175 uA
  • 230867 04/29/11 19:04 hamlet Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots at the beam current 175 uA
  • 230840 04/29/11 16:12 hamlet Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots at the beginning of the shift
  • 230812 04/29/11 13:05 Pitt Target: Move to hydrogen target cell
  • 230787 04/29/11 09:01 Pitt Target: Moved to Out of Beam position
  • 230779 04/29/11 08:35 Pitt Target: Beginning day shift screen shot
  • 230757 04/29/11 05:01 L.Lee Target: JT valves opened slightly
  • 230720 04/29/11 00:05 L.Lee Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots at start of owl shift
  • Thursday

  • 230648 04/28/11 16:26 benesch Target: Wien has been flipped
  • 230625 04/28/11 08:11 birchall Target: Screen shots at the beginning of day shift
  • Wednesday

  • 230555 04/27/11 22:36 L.Lee Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshot for latter part of Swing Shift (after target change to LH2)
  • 230552 04/27/11 22:28 L.Lee Target: Target change from DS 4% Al back to LH2
  • 230538 04/27/11 20:06 L.Lee Target: Read glitches from QWT_poA
  • 230511 04/27/11 15:58 L.Lee Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots at beginning of Swing Shift
  • 230487 04/27/11 14:05 kamyers Target: temps screenshot with 4% DS Aluminum at 26 uA, 3.5x3.5
  • 230477 04/27/11 12:59 kamyers Target: moved to DS 4% Al target
  • 230422 04/27/11 09:06 kamyers Target: target moved to out of beam (Home)
  • 230415 04/27/11 08:26 kamyers Target: screenshots at beginning of day shift
  • Tuesday

  • 230361 04/26/11 23:44 vardan Target: GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 230292 04/26/11 16:17 vardan Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 230290 04/26/11 16:06 buddhini Target: Reduced the 4K supply by 3% on cryos request and inreased it back again to its original value.
  • 230274 04/26/11 14:12 buddhini Target: Start of the 4K oscillations at 2.00 p.m (or so)
  • 230259 04/26/11 08:15 buddhini Target: Screen shots at the beginning of day shift
  • 230236 04/26/11 05:03 narayan Target: Generic mid-shift screenshot
  • Monday

  • 230197 04/25/11 23:59 vardan Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 230177 04/25/11 21:51 vardan Target: 4K oscillations as yesterday
  • 230142 04/25/11 17:43 vardan Target: tungsten temp. drops, HPH power subsides
  • 230138 04/25/11 17:21 smithg Target: closed 4K JT a little
  • 230136 04/25/11 17:13 vardan Target: beam compensation back on bcm2
  • 230127 04/25/11 16:49 vardan Target: beam compensation on bcm1
  • 230126 04/25/11 16:30 vardan Target: tungsten plug temperature rising
  • 230072 04/25/11 10:57 covrig Target: horizontal motion snag
  • 230048 04/25/11 08:06 narayan Target: Generic end of shift screenshot
  • 230003 04/25/11 01:28 narayan Target: mid shift snapshot
  • Sunday

  • 229988 04/24/11 23:49 manos Target: 4K oscillations dampened at night
  • 229960 04/24/11 20:01 manos Target: Screenshots
  • 229959 04/24/11 19:58 manos Target: Vacuum correlation to 4K oscillations
  • 229951 04/24/11 19:19 manos Target: 4K oscillations
  • 229924 04/24/11 15:09 vardan Target: 4K line oscillations persist
  • 229923 04/24/11 14:50 vardan Target: screenshots, oscillations in 4K line
  • 229911 04/24/11 12:46 covrig Target: slow vacuum leak in the chamber (?)
  • 229873 04/24/11 07:54 narayan Target: Generic Target snapshot
  • 229824 04/24/11 01:25 narayan Target: Generic Target screenshot
  • Saturday

  • 229791 04/23/11 22:04 manos Target: Screenshots
  • 229790 04/23/11 21:56 manos Target: W-plug temp still high
  • 229773 04/23/11 18:45 manos Target: Alarm handler not responding well?
  • 229758 04/23/11 16:20 manos Target: Tungsten plug temp staying above high limit
  • 229746 04/23/11 15:38 vardan Target: screenshots
  • 229745 04/23/11 15:23 vardan Target: Tungsten plug temp alarm
  • Friday

  • 229633 04/22/11 22:46 hamlet Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots for Swing shift
  • 229572 04/22/11 15:54 vardan Target: end shift snapshot
  • 229561 04/22/11 14:29 vardan Target: Moved LH2 target in
  • 229558 04/22/11 14:19 vardan Target: cause of 15K line oscillations
  • 229554 04/22/11 13:52 vardan Target: 15K line oscillations
  • 229528 04/22/11 11:33 vardan Target: 15K supply pressure alarm thresholds changed
  • 229527 04/22/11 10:57 vardan Target: status
  • 229524 04/22/11 10:22 vardan Target: LH2 target out
  • 229521 04/22/11 10:00 vardan Target: 15K flow increase
  • 229520 04/22/11 09:53 vardan Target: notification on work on hall A crio supply
  • 229505 04/22/11 08:21 vardan Target: screenshot at the beginning of shift
  • 229471 04/22/11 04:12 narayan Target: status , middle of the owl shift
  • 229443 04/22/11 00:42 narayan Target: Owl snapshot
  • Thursday

  • 229362 04/21/11 15:44 Chuck Davis Target: Screenshots
  • 229346 04/21/11 11:45 Chuck Davis Target: Vacuum oscillations.
  • 229343 04/21/11 10:39 Chuck Davis Target: Corrected
  • 229341 04/21/11 10:34 Chuck Davis Target: CHL close their JT somewhat
  • 229339 04/21/11 09:38 Chuck Davis Target: Status
  • 229329 04/21/11 08:38 Chuck Davis Target: Screenshots
  • 229322 04/21/11 08:29 Chuck Davis Target: Moller sucking away 4K
  • Wednesday

  • 229223 04/20/11 23:33 Chuck Davis Target: (Close to) end of swing shift screenshot
  • 229175 04/20/11 18:23 Chuck Davis Target: Beam back on Target ~18:16
  • 229173 04/20/11 17:28 Chuck Davis Target: CRYO is done, target is ready
  • 229172 04/20/11 17:01 Chuck Davis Target: Fixed
  • 229171 04/20/11 16:42 Chuck Davis Target: Still waiting on CHL: Stripcharts
  • 229161 04/20/11 14:51 buddhini Target: Coolent box trip related oscillations in the 4K line. Cryo will close the 4K line.
  • 229146 04/20/11 13:10 buddhini Target: Small drop in the 4K supply temperature.
  • 229128 04/20/11 10:32 covrig Target: opened 15K JT 1% (late entry)
  • 229119 04/20/11 09:29 buddhini Target: A smal increase in the 15k Mass flow
  • 229100 04/20/11 08:09 buddhini Target: Screen shots at the begining of the day shift
  • Tuesday

  • 229024 04/19/11 23:44 Chuck Davis Target: Screenshots
  • 229015 04/19/11 21:54 Chuck Davis Target: LH2 Target is IN
  • 229012 04/19/11 19:35 Chuck Davis Target: 15 K JT valve opened.
  • 229010 04/19/11 19:18 Chuck Davis Target: LH2 Target put out of beam
  • 229004 04/19/11 16:57 Chuck Davis Target: 15K input temp. low.
  • 229003 04/19/11 16:19 Chuck Davis Target: QW_T1_15K_IN
  • 228991 04/19/11 15:25 buddhini Target: Oscillating 4K supply temperatrure, inlet preasure & scattering chamber vacuum
  • 228976 04/19/11 13:51 covrig Target: full of lh2 and ready for full power beam
  • 228946 04/19/11 08:27 Jiawei Target: start cooling down the target
  • Monday

  • 228913 04/18/11 15:09 covrig Target: started (pre)cooling the target
  • 228873 04/18/11 10:29 covrig Target: status
  • Sunday

  • 228858 04/17/11 00:02 manos Target: Transition beamline vacuum
  • Saturday

  • 228857 04/16/11 23:30 manos Target: Turbo pump 3h09b tripped, made access to restart
  • 228856 04/16/11 21:24 birchall Target: Typos
  • 228855 04/16/11 20:31 birchall Target: Turned off target pump
  • 228853 04/16/11 20:30 birchall Target: Access to check scattering chamber gate valve
  • 228850 04/16/11 20:25 covrig Target: target vacuum flatlined
  • 228847 04/16/11 19:26 birchall Target: Status of target
  • 228846 04/16/11 19:01 birchall Target: CHL crash
  • 228841 04/16/11 16:18 birchall Target: Screen shot at beginning of swing shift
  • 228830 04/16/11 13:04 manos Target: Screenshots
  • 228827 04/16/11 12:34 manos Target: Vacuum fluctuations right before pump died
  • 228823 04/16/11 11:33 manos Target: Pressure now up to 0.08atm
  • 228821 04/16/11 11:13 manos Target: Downstream beamline vacuum up to 18e-4
  • 228819 04/16/11 10:29 manos Target: Correction : No wrong alarm after all
  • 228811 04/16/11 09:00 manos Target: Scattering chamber vacuum spike, wrong alarm color
  • 228794 04/16/11 07:00 Chuck Davis Target: Odd Rates
  • 228787 04/16/11 06:39 Chuck Davis Target: QTOR: Trips OFF
  • 228745 04/16/11 01:39 Chuck Davis Target: Screenshots
  • Friday

  • 228670 04/15/11 16:12 Nuruzzaman Target: Target Screens at the beginning of Swing shift
  • 228563 04/15/11 05:45 Chuck Davis Target: Beam Dump vacuum alarm (Red!)
  • 228552 04/15/11 04:03 Chuck Davis Target: Beam dump vacuum alarm
  • 228529 04/15/11 00:46 Chuck Davis Target: Screenshots
  • Thursday

  • 228483 04/14/11 18:34 Nuruzzaman Target: Calculation of heater power for Target GUI is changed back to bcm1 now.
  • 228465 04/14/11 17:37 Nuruzzaman Target:
  • 228436 04/14/11 15:48 Chuck Davis Target: Reboot of vmec15
  • 228434 04/14/11 15:20 Chuck Davis Target: Screenshots
  • 228416 04/14/11 13:23 Chuck Davis Target: Screenshots
  • 228412 04/14/11 12:42 Chuck Davis Target: LH2 Target IN. Beam restored but still "Beam Studies".
  • 228409 04/14/11 11:53 Chuck Davis Target: Tgt Chamber Vacuum Alarm (yellow)
  • 228401 04/14/11 08:47 Chuck Davis Target: SScreenshots at end of production running and beginning of beam studies. The Target is OUT OF BEAM.
  • 228396 04/14/11 08:41 Chuck Davis Target: LH2 Tgt. moved OUT
  • Wednesday

  • 228288 04/13/11 22:28 Nuruzzaman Target: Target Screens.
  • 228265 04/13/11 17:31 Nuruzzaman Target: Target moved to LH2
  • 228243 04/13/11 15:48 Nuruzzaman Target: Target screens at the beginning of swing shift.
  • 228193 04/13/11 09:37 Chuck Davis Target: Stripchart
  • 228181 04/13/11 09:07 Chuck Davis Target: Beam dump pressure alarms again.
  • 228180 04/13/11 09:00 CH Target: VCG3H09DTr spikes above High (yellow) limit momentarily
  • Tuesday

  • 228096 04/12/11 23:35 Chuck Davis Target: Screenshots towards end of Swing shift
  • 228090 04/12/11 22:34 Chuck Davis Target: Correlation between tungsten plug tem and g0rate3
  • 228082 04/12/11 21:12 Chuck Davis Target: Tungsten Plug water temperature coming down
  • 228081 04/12/11 20:54 Chuck Davis Target: Screenshots, about 45 m into 165 uA running
  • 228080 04/12/11 20:49 Chuck Davis Target: qw:tungstenplug yellow alarm
  • 228076 04/12/11 20:29 Chuck Davis Target: QTOR alarm: qt_mps_i_diff; High (yellow, minor) alarm was raised slightly
  • 228072 04/12/11 20:14 Chuck Davis Target: went from 4% DS Al --> LH2
  • 228068 04/12/11 20:08 Chuck Davis Target: Moved LH2 cell IN
  • 228035 04/12/11 16:49 Chuck Davis Target: DS Tgt. B High (minor, yellow) limit raised. Bootleg ALH killed.
  • 228029 04/12/11 16:35 Chuck Davis Target: Change to CRYO and our response with 4K JT.
  • 227940 04/12/11 07:27 rob Target: correlated blips in 4k coolant and vacuum.
  • 227927 04/12/11 05:25 rob Target: HPH alarm following beam trip
  • 227894 04/12/11 01:36 rob Target: screenshot early owl shift
  • Monday

  • 227879 04/11/11 23:51 Chuck Davis Target: Changed High (yellow) alarm for Dump window temp. diff.
  • 227878 04/11/11 23:46 Chuck Davis Target: Fourth yellow alarm on the widow temp. diff.
  • 227876 04/11/11 23:40 Chuck Davis Target: A third exit window temp. diff. yellow alarm.
  • 227874 04/11/11 23:35 Chuck Davis Target: End of shift (almost) screen shot of the target
  • 227873 04/11/11 23:30 Chuck Davis Target: The second Window differential Temp. yellow alarm this shift
  • 227847 04/11/11 20:00 Chuck Davis Target: Addendum to 227846
  • 227846 04/11/11 19:55 Chuck Davis Target: HiPowerHtr drops to ~35 W om beam recovery to 165 uA
  • 227837 04/11/11 18:18 Chuck Davis Target: Target Screenshots & Status
  • 227820 04/11/11 16:05 Chuck Davis Target: LH2 Tgt is now IN
  • 227796 04/11/11 12:26 rakithab Target: Moved LH2 out of beam
  • 227762 04/11/11 08:09 rakithab Target: Target GUI and strip charts screen shots for Day shift
  • 227709 04/11/11 00:10 rob Target: screenshots start of owl shift
  • Sunday

  • 227683 04/10/11 19:59 manos Target: Scattering Chamber vacuum High alarm
  • 227681 04/10/11 19:47 manos Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots for Swing shift
  • 227627 04/10/11 12:22 M Jones Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots
  • 227577 04/10/11 04:58 covrig Target: screens snapshot
  • Saturday

  • 227517 04/09/11 20:08 manos Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots for Swing shift
  • 227515 04/09/11 20:06 manos Target: HPH power red alarm
  • 227448 04/09/11 09:38 donjones Target: scattering chamber vacuum alarm
  • 227424 04/09/11 06:04 covrig Target: screen shot & DS bellows temperature & vacuum
  • Friday

  • 227303 04/08/11 14:32 smithg Target: alarm handler changes
  • 227285 04/08/11 12:36 donjones Target: Moved back to H2: screenshots for Day shift
  • 227240 04/08/11 08:54 donjones Target: moved target to home
  • 227176 04/08/11 00:09 vardan Target: screenshots at the beginning of owl shift
  • Thursday

  • 227113 04/07/11 14:36 donjones Target: target screenshot day shoft
  • Wednesday

  • 226936 04/06/11 12:58 rakithab Target: moved to LH2
  • 226910 04/06/11 10:13 rakithab Target: Target move out of beam for Moller
  • 226894 04/06/11 08:13 rakithab Target: Target GUI and strip charts screen shots for Day shift
  • Tuesday

  • 226813 04/05/11 22:12 narayan Target: swing Shift snapshot
  • 226792 04/05/11 19:24 narayan Target: QTOR readback0 error fixed itself
  • 226791 04/05/11 19:16 narayan Target: QTOR temp readback
  • 226777 04/05/11 18:13 narayan Target: target taking 160 uA
  • 226776 04/05/11 18:10 narayan Target: moving to LH2
  • 226734 04/05/11 10:01 buddhini Target: Moved to Home position out of beam
  • 226704 04/05/11 04:10 covrig Target: screens shot
  • Monday

  • 226669 04/04/11 23:50 birchall Target: White alarm before it turned yellow
  • 226666 04/04/11 23:41 birchall Target: White and yellow alarms
  • 226661 04/04/11 23:00 birchall Target: White alarm - vmec18
  • 226656 04/04/11 22:19 birchall Target: Bellows temperature limits
  • 226654 04/04/11 22:08 birchall Target: Bellows temperature
  • 226651 04/04/11 21:31 birchall Target: Bellows temperature
  • 226639 04/04/11 20:03 birchall Target: Reboot of vmec15
  • 226632 04/04/11 18:30 gaskell Target: 4K oscillations - A-can turbo stopped
  • 226630 04/04/11 18:22 birchall Target: Screenshot at 18:20 after attempts to minimize 4K oscillations
  • 226609 04/04/11 16:23 birchall Target: Screen shot at beginning of swing shift
  • 226536 04/04/11 07:47 covrig Target: Moller epics channels dead?
  • 226488 04/04/11 01:09 covrig Target: screens shot for owl shift
  • Sunday

  • 226469 04/03/11 23:48 birchall Target: Alarms
  • 226412 04/03/11 16:05 birchall Target: Screen shot, start of swing shift
  • 226395 04/03/11 14:48 manos Target: HPH power at 160uA
  • 226380 04/03/11 11:52 manos Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots for Day shift
  • 226320 04/03/11 03:45 donjones Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots at middle of owl shift
  • Saturday

  • 226244 04/02/11 16:07 birchall Target: Screenshot at start of swing shift
  • 226231 04/02/11 15:19 manos Target: bellowstemp3 High limit
  • 226215 04/02/11 13:52 smithg Target: Pump didn't trip. Just a voltage readback problem.
  • 226203 04/02/11 12:36 manos Target: Target GUI and strip charts screenshots for Day shift
  • 226202 04/02/11 12:24 manos Target: HPH power LoLo alarm
  • 226180 04/02/11 09:33 manos Target: LH2 pump tripped, recovered
  • 226149 04/02/11 03:14 narayan Target: pls ignore the 2nd snapshot in entry # 226144
  • 226144 04/02/11 02:43 narayan Target: evolving through target computer reboot
  • 226130 04/02/11 01:05 smithg Target: QWT_miA
  • 226129 04/02/11 00:57 narayan Target: target computer rebooted itself: QW_miA alarm
  • 226124 04/02/11 00:02 hamlet Target: End shift entry
  • Friday

  • 226038 04/01/11 13:30 smithg Target: will make an entry to improve vacuum
  • 225944 04/01/11 03:49 narayan Target: vacuum variation status: apparently stable
  • 225941 04/01/11 03:07 narayan Target: target upstream vacuum on a +ve slope