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User name smacewan

Log entry time 16:49:46 on November 18, 2011

Entry number 238901


keyword=Reduced MD EM threshold and MD4+ EM HV :: 8-bar trigger rate summary

Rob and I lowered the threshold on the main detector event mode discriminator in the cage from 30.2 mV to 20.5 mV. This is going from something like 1.5-2.0 photoelectrons to 1.0-1.5 photoelectrons.

We also decreased the HV on the MD4+ tube from 1150 V to 1100 V. Note that prior to this change ~50% of the total 16-tube OR rate came from md4+. The photoelectron distribution on the scope in the cage changes from a mean of about 10 mV to 7 mV (taking approximately the half-max of the p.e. distr.) That tube no longer dominates the rate wildly by itself, but the rates still differ from bar-to-bar as is shown below. The MD3bar rate is noticeably higher than it was at 30 mV threshold.

Bar     AND (Hz)     OR (Hz)
1        50           13000
2        20            5500
3        300         115000
4        130          80000
5        45           20000
6        50           14000
7        50           19000
8        20           15000

The total 8-bar trigger (previously known as the AND-OR trigger, but we're phasing that name out to avoid ambiguity) is about 750 Hz. This is the rate recorded by taking the AND of two tubes on a bar, and the OR-ing all 8 bars together.

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