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User name covrig

Log entry time 10:53:15 on November 21, 2011

Entry number 239406

keyword=Target: reloaded the alarm limits

I reloaded the alarm limits this morning to account for the settling of some temperature sensors and the cold target leak.

As long as the target vacuum stays below 5 microTorr we could run fine. If the baseline shifts above this limit we may have to put another turbo-pump on the target chamber.

I raised the low limit on qtor diff from 1.5 to 3. Upon talking with Steve about it, there seems to be no magic limit on this parameter. What TOs have to keep an eye on is that the current difference is stable in time. This parameter, qw:qt_mps_i_diff, was not archived until now, it is from now on, to help TOs to monitor it easily.