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User name mgericke

Log entry time 13:42:07 on November 26, 2011

Entry number 240683

keyword=Analysis: Run 13861 - MD FFTs

I am still testing the hclog utility from the QwGUI, but in doing so, I am trying to submit something meaningful. So these are the MD PMT FFTs and they look normal. One point to make is that these FFTs do NOT get generated in the QwAutoGUI, as the process that generates them reads individual events from the tree and requires significant overhead in computing. To get these (if so desired) one can start a separate QwGUI (not QwAutoGUI) from any of the cdaq machines (except cdaql4) and open the run in event mode.

This is logged using hclog_post by QwGUI [hclog_post 1.1]

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