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Log entry time 16:22:45 on December 02, 2011

Entry number 241972

keyword=Compton: vmec15 and new Compton EPICS variables

I rebooted vmec15 to add EPICS variables for the position and slope of the beam at the compton interaction point. The new variables and their definitions are:

cComptBeamPosX = 0.5 * IPM3P02B.XPOS + 0.5 * IPM3P02A.XPOS
cComptBeamPosY = 0.5 * IPM3P02B.YPOS + 0.5 * IPM3P02A.YPOS
cComptBeamSlopeX = (IPM3P02B.XPOS - IPM3P02A.XPOS) / 1390
cComptBeamSlopeY = (IPM3P02B.YPOS - IPM3P02A.YPOS) / 1390

These variables have also been added to the Hall C archiver. The following variables were also added to the archiver:


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