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User name Mitra

Log entry time 08:42:28 on December 5,2011

Entry number 242538

keyword=Target ---> DS-4% Aluminum (Yellow alarm)

Target was moved to DS-4% Aluminum. The values on the Main GUI are:
Yenc: 301.6 mm
Ypot : 3353.0 ohm
Xenc = 40.77 mm
Xpot = 2419.0 ohm

The Xpot should be at 2401 which is off by 19 ohms. We had yellow alarm complaining about the mismatch of the Hor. resistive pot, so contacted Greg.
It seems that there was a case of 12 ohm mismatch before and it didn't cause any problem.
Per Gerg's advice we asked for 20 muA current and waited for a few minutes to make sure that the temperatures are stable. So far, very thing looks fine and we asked for 60 muA current.