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User name allison,colek

Log entry time 13:49:52 on December 08, 2011

Entry number 243159

keyword=BCM Electronics

We updated the firmware to fix the numerical saturation issue. This allowed us to set higher gains to get a larger signals to the ADC (fig 1). We also installed the loop-back spare receiver (named IBC3C17) but the proper cables between the air core patch panel and the receiver were not installed. We connected the RF source directly into the receiver for now.

Old Gains 3H04A: G1=0, G2=1, Div=4 3H04B: G1=3, G2=3, Div=4 3H04C: G1=1, G2=1, Div=4 3H09: G1=3, G2=4, Div=4

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Figure 1