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User name narayan

Log entry time 23:01:57 on December 08, 2011

Entry number 243252

This entry is a followup to: 243248


keyword=Compton: e-Detector at Y= 8.7890 now onwards

The new running position for the Compton electron detector is 8.7890. The compton edge is at strip 48 at this position as of now.

More details can be found at

To go to this new position from Garage, one has to

  1. go to Home
  2. go to Pos-2
  3. jog down 1 mm

The retracting can still simply be

  1. go to Home
  2. go to Garage

This is just for documentation, but the detector should best be moved by an expert or guided by the expert.

A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: hallc_compton