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User name brads

Log entry time 12:52:29 on December 13, 2011

Entry number 244155

This entry is a followup to: 243985

keyword=Make a /local/bin/firefox wrapper for the wrapper...

It looks like Rob's problem was that something reset the path for the firefox button in Gnome back to the default. That and/or a change in default path that is set when the window manager is invoked meant that the button was attempting to invoke the system firefox instead of the wrapper script.

I put a wrapper in /local/bin/firefox that checks the user id and runs the /home/cdaq/bin/Linux/firefox if invoked as cdaq, otherwise it runs the default firefox. '/local/bin/' should be left alone by Redhat and it seems to be auto-added to the path before /usr/bin/ so takes precedence over the system version.

This wrapper is in place for cdaqlX, ccomptl1, ccomptl2.

(/usr/bin/firefox is actually a wrapper itself, so now there is a wrapper for a wrapper for a wrapper...)

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