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User name manos

Log entry time 17:25:23 on December 13, 2011

Entry number 244187

This entry is a followup to: 244097

keyword=Injector data before and after the de-tuning

Analyzing the 5min runs that Mark took this morning with Hall B off.

In attachment 1: Data in the injector with optics de-tuned to what they were prior to the Wien flip. Position differences in the 3 BPMs right after the cathode, in the 1i region, are <30nm. Specifically: 1i02X :: 25.785 +- 7.08806 nm 1i02Y :: -24.6055 +- 6.79993 nm 1i02_EffCharge :: 4.10253 +- 1.08464 ppm

1i04X :: -24.0516 +- 6.34714 nm 1i04Y :: 5.01333 +- 7.33981 nm 1i04_EffCharge :: 4.4146 +- 1.0755 ppm

1i06X :: 29.0683 +- 9.81377 nm 1i06Y :: -30.5058 +- 6.34453 nm 1i06_EffCharge :: 4.86777 +- 1.10985 ppm

I will analyze the C100 test data in the injector (Hall B was off then) to confirm with more data that helicity correlated asymmetries are small off the cathode.

Attachment 2: Injector data with the configuration that we've been using since the Wien flip. Unfortunately there were 3 beam trips in this 5min run, so the error bars here are big. I will take a first look at injector data after the Wien flip with Hall B at some low current, but maybe tomorrow we can ask for ~15 minutes of running Hall C beam only.

A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: paschke, dalton, pitt, benesch, opper

Figure 1

Figure 2