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Log entry time 07:54:34 on December 16, 2011

Entry number 244625

keyword=Shift Summary: Owl Shift summary

Owl Shift Summary 12/16/2011

Shift Crew:

SL: Don Jones
TO: Arthur
Others: Amrendra Narayan

Priorities for shift:

Production data

Summary of events:

No beam for first half hour of shift. Struggling with ion-chamber trips so called MCC around 2:30 to tell them to drop to 160uA. Things stabilized and there has only been one beam trip over the past hour. MCC called at 4:30 to request going back to 180uA. We decided to try it again. At 5:30 MCC called to take beam for tuning. Returned it 10 minutes later but with no noticeable change. MCC says that beam trips continue to come from the left dump and they believe that the GEM enclosure trips from last night were from a resolved injector mistmatch issue. at 6:10 we called to have target removed to do a tungsten plug scan. It showed the beam was oblong in the vertical direction and offcenter. We expect it to be offcenter because of our requested positions, I believe. MCC suggested we take harp scans to complete data. MCC had issues getting harps working. Got one good scan with beam sigma 380x319 ( see ops elog 1654704). At 7:15 we called to put target back in and resume production. 7:20 Back to production at 160uA.

Run list:

Coulombs acquired: 2.3

Typical operating parameters:

IuA 160
Halo 3 rateHz/uA 23
MDALLBARS widthppm 284
BCM12-ddif widthppm 0.055
A_q widthppm 341
MDALLBARS X-pos sensitivityppm/mm 0.0
MDALLBARS Y-pos sensitivityppm/mm 0.0

Problems requiring attention:

Tungsten plug temperature alarms for high current. Perhaps beam is too large?

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