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User name buddhini

Log entry time 16:19:24 on December 19, 2011

Entry number 245251

keyword=Shift Summary: Day shift 12-19-2011

Day Shift Summary 12/19/2011

Shift Crew:

SL: Buddhini Waidyawansa
TO: Todd Averet
3rd: None
Others: Manolis

Priorities for shift:

Take data when ever possible. Even during energy measurements (helicity at 30 Hz).

Summary of events:

9:17 MCC take beam away for TRIM card flip at injector.

9:30 IHWP flipped to IN

10.50 a.m. Hall was taken to Control access without letting the shift crew or RC know about it. This was done inorder to fix the left IOC chamber electronics chips. No one had entered the hall. They only went in to the tunnel. The crew chief has forgotten to tell us abou this.

11.05 a.m In Beam permit.

1.20 p.m. Started energy measurement. On Hall Bs request, helcitiy rate was changed to 30 Hz. I changed the DAQ num samples per block to run at 30 Hz.

1.28 p.m.  When moving target out of beam, in X it went the other way. No alrm was sounded untill the motion was killed.  Since it was vertically out of beam, we were told its ok to go ahead and take beam.

1.50 p.m. Still going on with energy measurement.

2.50 p.m. Hour has passed. Called MCC to get the status of energy measurement. Its not good. They are having optic issues. So abohter hour to get things cleaned up and set up. Basically the energy measurement progress is 0. At least the target group can benefit from this delay to get the target fixed.

4.00 p.m. Beam energy measurement may start soo. MCC were having RF issus and were trying to get them fixed. They said things are ok now.

Run list:

Coulombs acquired: 1.10 C

Typical operating parameters:

I uA 179
Halo 3 rate Hz/uA 17
MDALLBARS width ppm 230
BCM12-ddif width ppm 102
A_q width ppm 460
MDALLBARS X-pos sensitivity ppm/mm 1305
MDALLBARS Y-pos sensitivity ppm/mm -378

Problems requiring attention:

Target horizontal motion.



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