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User name Pitt

Log entry time 11:25:07 on December 20, 2011

Entry number 245386

This entry is a followup to: 245381

keyword=Tungsten plug water difference explanation

I spoke to Jay about the excursion of the tungsten plug water difference temperature. He said that the beam did get steered to beam right by about 5 mm at 10:46 AM. That is when we started getting ion chamber alarms and then the tungsten plug temperature alarm.

Normally, the slow orbit lock protects us against such an excursion. But they had re-calibrated it to be used in the dispersive mode needed for the beam energy measurement. Somehow it wasn't quite working properly after that, and it wasn't locking the X direction.

If all of this 8 uA of beam went into the tungsten plug, that would correspond to a power deposition of ~ 9 kW, but that is unlikely. So it certainly probably took more than its usual ~ 1.5 kW, but not enough to be damaging. Also, we see a tiny bump in the scattering chamber vacuum, but nothing significant (see Todd's log entry).

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