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User name jhlee

Log entry time 17:30:31 on December 20, 2011

Entry number 245440

This entry is a followup to: 245436


keyword=replace old EB and ER with the new ones

We used EB3.4 and ER3.3, I change them to all 3.5. There might be potential issue about cMsg3.2 is used for all vxworks libraries and AFECS.

Now $CODA/Linux is separated from the 2.6.1 (Compton CODA) directory, and copy 3.5 versions into that directory, and make symbolic links for these.

coda_eb_rc3 -> coda_eb_rc3.5
coda_er_rc3 -> coda_er_rc3.5

The current CODAMASTER is using coda_eb_rc3 and coda_er_rc3 instead of 3.X versions. See the screenshots for TOP and memory usage. I will monitor the memory usage during this night.

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Figure 1

Figure 2