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User name Adesh

Log entry time 13:04:55 on January 04, 2012

Entry number 246104

keyword=Target: Horizontal position analog readout functional

We now have target's horizontal position analog readout functional (vertical position readout was already functional). I loaded a calibration curve onto the Lakeshore 218 box based on Silviu's curve for Xenc(mm) vs Xpot (ohm). The range for the horizontal motion is ~-45 mm to +45 mm and since the Lakeshore reads out the values as K I could not use negative values. Hence, I have added 45 to all the output values so the CORRECT horizontal position must have 45 subtracted from the analog readout in the display panel left to the target computer in the counting house.

I asked Arshak to move the target to a few different positions and noticed that the CORRECT analog readout agrees to the encoder readout within 0.5 mm or less.

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