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User name pking

Log entry time 05:08:08 on January 20, 2012

Entry number 249040

keyword=Lots of missed helicity gates in runs 15299 through 15304; seems to be due to ROC31

Beginning at the end of run 15299, we had lots of missed helicity gates.

Run 15300 and 15301 were runs taken just after stopping the previous run. We still got missed helicity gates.

I stopped the beam modulation, and took run 15302.

I killed CODA, and rebooted all of the crates.

Run 15303 is the first run after rebooting. At first it seemed okay, but then the missed gates resumed. Looking quickly at the ROC buffer status, I didn't see anything wrong. Stopped the run after killing all analysis processes.

Run 15304 is the second run after rebooting CODA. Finally I see the 100% full buffers in ROC31's buffer status.

I switched to "parity" run type, and started 15305. Restarted feedback. Restarted beam modulation.

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