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User name Armstrong

Log entry time 20:49:50 on January 23, 2012

Entry number 249690

keyword=FYI: today's beam changed? No...

Just to keep people informed:

I'm afraid it seems today's attempt to work on the beam was for naught (the attempt was to go "off-crest" in the injector, rather than the South Linac):

From OPS Elog:

The changes that were worked on today were all backed out. We were unable to get high current back to Hall C with out 1L02 BLM trips. PD, Optics, and Director of Operations agreed to the back out. The halls were also notified. We rolled back to all save #12866. We also did an all save before backing out (# 12869). (see: OPS Elog 1661370)

However, Jay points out were are now closer to Crest in the South Linac gang phase (see OPS Elog 1661368)

and also that we might expect a lower trip rate, see: OPS Elog 1661373.