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User name Sarah

Log entry time 00:11:02 on January 26, 2012

Entry number 250133

keyword=Shift Summary: Swing Shift Summary

Swing Shift Summary January 25, 2012

Shift Crew

Shift Leader: Sarah K. Phillips
Target: Arshak Asaturyan

Others for Special Tasks: Juan Carlos Cornejo (Compton DAQ)

Priorities for this shift

1. Continue C100 test (with DS-4% Al target at 50uA)
2. C100 test (with LH2 target at 180uA)
3. Take LH2 parity production data.


We finished the C100 tests and went back to production running on LH2. Qtor tripped at 22:41, but we brought it back up and kept going. We had a little trouble at first with occasional spikes in the Compton scintillator rates, which MCC thought might be connected to the beam modulation, but that doesn't seem to be the case during a short observation (see HCLog 250125).

Notes for the Next Shift

Run list

Coulombs acquired (estimate):

2.53 C

Key Operating parameters

(enter typical values, from EPICS or first 100k analysis)

Run 15472

I(uA): 177.5 uA
Halo 3 rate (Hz/uA): 20.8
MDALLBARS width (ppm): 224.6 ppm
BCM78-ddif width (ppm):62.3 ppm
A_q width (ppm): 404.8 ppm
MDALLBARS x-Pos sensitivity (ppm/mm): 701.8+-185.9
MDALLBARS y-Pos sensitivity (ppm/mm): 759.6+-196.3

Problems requiring attention


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