Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for January 12 - Beam

  • Main INDEX




  • 250989 01/30/12 13:28 benesch Beam: Trent Allison seems to have found noise problem
  • 250916 01/30/12 08:48 dalton Beam: Injector transmission tuning underway
  • Sunday

  • 250854 01/29/12 23:57 cornejo Beam: BPM 3C12X differences just so crazy now!!!
  • 250837 01/29/12 21:44 cornejo Beam: Beam returning to hall
  • 250834 01/29/12 20:39 dalton Beam: Discussions with PD re energy jitter
  • 250830 01/29/12 20:25 cornejo Beam: Beam has been out since 20:10 due to a cavity issue in accelerator
  • 250817 01/29/12 19:14 cornejo Beam: IHW#1 is now IN, IHW#2 is now out
  • 250812 01/29/12 18:31 benesch Beam: 3C12 RMS much larger today than it has been
  • 250696 01/29/12 02:16 DArko Beam: IHWP#1 from IN to OUT possition
  • Saturday

  • 250578 01/28/12 09:27 donjones Beam: Ramp rate too low
  • 250524 01/28/12 02:11 DArko Beam: IHWP#1 is IN from now > FlipPCValues output
  • Friday

  • 250323 01/27/12 00:59 rakithab Beam: RHWP changed from 349 to 369
  • Thursday

  • 250214 01/26/12 10:53 dalton Beam: Scintillator rates and BPM 12 later
  • 250209 01/26/12 10:26 dalton Beam: Scintillator rates not correlated with BPM 12
  • 250198 01/26/12 09:23 dalton Beam: Compton background scintillator excursions overnight
  • 250158 01/26/12 04:26 DArko Beam: IHWP 1 is OUT and IHVP2 is IN Now
  • Wednesday



  • 249844 01/24/12 12:31 beam Beam: dump viewer camera fried
  • Monday

  • 249643 01/23/12 15:14 narayan Beam: Status, tune beam
  • 249636 01/23/12 14:37 narayan Beam: Status: down for another few hours
  • 249632 01/23/12 12:40 rajotte Beam: halo increased after SL gang phase change (but then 2 out of 3 improved)
  • 249628 01/23/12 10:14 narayan Beam: modulation turned off
  • 249617 01/23/12 09:12 narayan Beam: Status: no beam for 5-6 hrs
  • Sunday

  • 249526 01/22/12 19:59 benesch Beam: more about asymmetry at early BPMs
  • Saturday

  • 249382 01/21/12 23:26 Adesh Beam: Status: Beam down due to power supply issue
  • 249316 01/21/12 15:07 benesch Beam: more compton scintillator rate elogs
  • 249292 01/21/12 12:06 benesch Beam: excursion in Compton background, source unknown
  • 249289 01/21/12 11:21 benesch Beam: energy rms after modulation stops
  • Friday

  • 249121 01/20/12 14:25 dalton Beam: Scraping indeed
  • 249113 01/20/12 13:49 benesch Beam: vertical extent of Compton response explained?
  • Thursday

  • 248953 01/19/12 18:01 benesch Beam: why is the Compton photon rate not symmetric in vertical scan?
  • 248927 01/19/12 15:58 rob Beam: compton scintillator rates
  • 248923 01/19/12 15:34 benesch Beam: link to elog with harp traces
  • Wednesday

  • 248751 01/18/12 19:50 benesch Beam: beam unresolvably narrow at 3C20
  • 248722 01/18/12 15:38 rob Beam: status
  • Tuesday

  • 248590 01/17/12 15:00 wdconinc Beam: Followup with EPICS picture
  • 248589 01/17/12 14:59 wdconinc Beam: Power spectrum of high-rate background scintillator excursions on Sunday 1/15
  • 248584 01/17/12 13:47 Suleiman Beam: gain change for new BCM0L02 receiver
  • 248571 01/17/12 09:34 wdconinc Beam: Run plan this morning
  • Monday

  • 248463 01/16/12 13:45 benesch Beam: beam quality email sent to B team Sunday
  • 248456 01/16/12 11:54 fangguo Beam: Status down for couple hours
  • 248398 01/16/12 02:24 V. Tvaskis Beam: Alarm on Ion Chamber
  • Sunday

  • 248343 01/15/12 20:01 benesch Beam: charge asymmetry width improved after Ops autosteered injector
  • 248342 01/15/12 19:59 benesch Beam: halo 4 rates ~ 200 Hz/uA. Halo 3 rates ~ 40 Hz/uA
  • 248334 01/15/12 18:41 cornejo Beam: Beam back: returning to production data taking
  • 248322 01/15/12 16:53 cornejo Beam: MCC called, North Lincac safety system tripped, will be down for a while
  • 248270 01/15/12 10:57 Adesh Beam: MCC sending in 8 uA of tune beam
  • 248267 01/15/12 10:42 Adesh Beam: MCC sending tune beam, HVs turned off, e-det retracted
  • 248262 01/15/12 10:15 Adesh Beam: Status: MCC ready to send 180 uA
  • 248260 01/15/12 10:07 Adesh Beam: Status: MCC has taken beam away
  • 248257 01/15/12 09:36 Adesh Beam: Status: MCC is planning to take beam away around 10 am
  • Saturday

  • 248165 01/14/12 19:09 Dutta Beam: MCC calls to say beam will be off for 2 hrs to tune for 180 uA
  • 248151 01/14/12 18:18 wdconinc Beam: MOMod turned off: double peaking gone!
  • Friday

  • 247850 01/13/12 22:15 narayan Beam: setup COMPTLETE for high beam
  • 247826 01/13/12 18:56 narayan Beam: Status: ~ 1 hr more for setting high beam
  • 247816 01/13/12 17:07 narayan Beam: MCC expects to be done in 30 min
  • 247783 01/13/12 09:07 poelker Beam: spot move hadn't happened, but raterh injector phase adjustments
  • Thursday





  • 247176 01/10/12 19:32 Spayde Beam: MCC is Going to Send Tune Beam
  • Monday

  • 247086 01/09/12 20:04 Spayde Beam: Changed Gain Settings on BCM 1 & 2
  • 247085 01/09/12 19:35 Spayde Beam: Requested 50 uA CW
  • 247084 01/09/12 19:31 Spayde Beam: Going to 3 uA CW with 4x4 Raster
  • Sunday

  • 246957 01/08/12 20:36 Spayde Beam: Beam Going Away For Awhile
  • 246945 01/08/12 19:08 benesch Beam: can't analyze IHA3C20 data tonight
  • 246938 01/08/12 16:13 Spayde Beam: MCC Sending Tune Beam
  • 246929 01/08/12 13:30 benesch Beam: another option or two without Qtor
  • Saturday

  • 246777 01/07/12 20:47 Spayde Beam: 3uA in Hall
  • 246768 01/07/12 17:22 benesch Beam: beam energy measurement 12/20
  • Friday

  • 246545 01/06/12 20:23 Spayde Beam: New Slit and Attenuator Settings
  • 246540 01/06/12 19:27 Spayde Beam: Results of 3C20 Harp Scans
  • 246538 01/06/12 19:21 Spayde Beam: Attenuator Settings for Low Current Running
  • 246422 01/06/12 10:21 saw Beam: Dummy Insertable Half Wave Plate
  • Thursday

  • 246187 01/05/12 01:06 Arthur Beam: Status update
  • Wednesday

  • 246045 01/04/12 07:46 Suleiman Beam: Injector BCM0L02 has a new Receiver
  • 246041 01/04/12 07:06 Arthur Beam: Status update
  • 246007 01/04/12 04:16 Arthur Beam: Status update
  • 246003 01/04/12 03:35 Arthur Beam: Status update
  • Tuesday

  • 245959 01/03/12 15:52 rob Beam: machine status
  • Monday

