Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for January 12 - Compton

  • Main INDEX


  • 251258 01/31/12 20:31 narayan Compton: ph-Det HV tripped; fixed since bkgd stable again
  • 251252 01/31/12 20:09 narayan Compton: e-det moved to Pos-2, ph-det turned on
  • 251220 01/31/12 16:04 gaskell Compton: set Run Control time limit to 200 minutes
  • 251196 01/31/12 12:33 gaskell Compton: photon detector tripped off
  • 251178 01/31/12 09:47 donjones Compton: edet removed for calibration of lock
  • Monday

  • 251043 01/30/12 17:38 gaskell Compton: re-positioned edet
  • 251037 01/30/12 17:27 gaskell Compton: ended run 23482 for bad backgrounds
  • 251034 01/30/12 17:24 gaskell Compton: edet not sent to HOME position before moving in
  • 251006 01/30/12 14:41 fangguo Compton: Compton electron detector IN
  • Sunday

  • 250730 01/29/12 06:57 DArko Compton: NO end of Compton run 23448...
  • 250729 01/29/12 06:43 narayan Compton: alarm is clear now
  • 250723 01/29/12 06:13 gaskell Compton: edet threshold back on
  • Saturday

  • 250641 01/28/12 18:16 Sarah Compton: IHWP may have changed in the last 30 seconds of this Compton run
  • 250601 01/28/12 12:25 dalton Compton: Drift in BPM 3P02A -> I argue to change lock
  • 250600 01/28/12 12:23 wdconinc Compton: Removed 2TB of pass1 ROOT files on cdaql8
  • 250589 01/28/12 10:41 donjones Compton: changed orbit lock increases rate
  • 250572 01/28/12 08:39 donjones Compton: beam spot size changing?
  • Friday

  • 250497 01/27/12 22:27 wdconinc Compton: Removed first100k ROOT files taken until June 9, 2011
  • 250493 01/27/12 22:07 wdconinc Compton: eDet threshold procedure
  • 250471 01/27/12 19:11 wdconinc Compton: eDet lost connection again?
  • 250465 01/27/12 18:15 wdconinc Compton: eDet threshold zero
  • 250427 01/27/12 11:47 narayan Compton: e-detector back to Pos-2
  • 250423 01/27/12 11:35 gaskell Compton: please call DG next time iochc10 freezes
  • 250396 01/27/12 09:55 Arshak Compton: Electron Detector Encoder power supplay DOWN.
  • 250393 01/27/12 09:49 donjones Compton: photon detector HV changed to 1800V
  • 250392 01/27/12 09:45 donjones Compton: No pink screen
  • 250390 01/27/12 09:41 donjones Compton: Vertical scan during run 23407
  • 250388 01/27/12 09:37 donjones Compton: vertical scan
  • Thursday

  • 250270 01/26/12 19:17 donjones Compton: Changed PD HV to 1750V
  • 250251 01/26/12 16:12 gaskell Compton: edet HV included too
  • 250241 01/26/12 14:53 cornejo Compton: LED system for Photon Detector installed and we are out of the hall
  • 250238 01/26/12 14:37 cornejo Compton: This run was an LED test
  • 250237 01/26/12 14:34 narayan Compton: edet threshold readback fixed
  • 250228 01/26/12 14:10 gaskell Compton: edet threshold script
  • 250227 01/26/12 14:01 gaskell Compton: LCW filter installed for dipole PS
  • 250202 01/26/12 09:50 narayan Compton: edet threshold "tripped"
  • 250196 01/26/12 08:56 narayan Compton: e-detector Garaged
  • 250186 01/26/12 06:51 gaskell Compton: no hits in edet starting with run 23377
  • 250145 01/26/12 01:56 narayan Compton: [late] electron detector was moved to Position 2
  • Wednesday

  • 250123 01/25/12 22:55 cornejo Compton: Changed Alarm handler to clear after 15 seconds rather than waiting the usual 3 minutes
  • 250118 01/25/12 22:28 cornejo Compton: It helps if I add a snapshot :)
  • 250117 01/25/12 22:26 cornejo Compton: During run 23371 changed Prescale to 10^2 at 650k events
  • 250114 01/25/12 22:10 cornejo Compton: Finished LED testing DAQ back to normal
  • 250033 01/25/12 11:41 cornejo Compton: Starting LED tests with black box
  • 250016 01/25/12 09:34 narayan Compton: masked edet strip 2 of plane 1
  • 250010 01/25/12 08:52 cornejo Compton: This is just an arbritary time that works in the opposite direction
  • 250009 01/25/12 08:52 fanggo Compton: compton electron detector OUT
  • 250006 01/25/12 08:43 pking Compton: Why does it take so long for the Compton alarm handler to recover?
  • Tuesday

  • 249926 01/24/12 21:54 Arshak Compton: All HVs for compton were OFF(exept Electron Detector).
  • 249911 01/24/12 20:08 Arshak Compton: run#23344 starts without pink window.
  • 249899 01/24/12 17:37 donjones Compton: helicity magnet test during run 23342
  • 249894 01/24/12 17:22 wdconinc Compton: Increased caget time-out for more pink
  • 249891 01/24/12 16:52 gaskell Compton: BCM17 "patch" cable
  • 249869 01/24/12 15:13 donjones Compton: vertical scan still shows beam has skewed shape
  • 249868 01/24/12 15:01 narayan Compton: current and voltage trip levels reset on edet threshold PS
  • 249863 01/24/12 14:26 donjones Compton: electron detector moved into position 2
  • 249857 01/24/12 14:11 narayan Compton: Run 23339, I=180 uA, no pink screen
  • 249806 01/24/12 09:24 narayan Compton: e-detector in Garage now
  • 249804 01/24/12 09:20 narayan Compton: motion GUI froze
  • Monday

  • 249699 01/23/12 22:09 wdconinc Compton: Changed CODA version to what Qweak uses...
  • 249686 01/23/12 20:10 narayan Compton: run 23321, I=180uA, IHWP 1:out::2:in
  • 249683 01/23/12 20:04 narayan Compton: e-detector in Pos-2
  • 249620 01/23/12 09:26 gaskell Compton: edet retracted, photon detector off
  • 249615 01/23/12 08:58 gaskell Compton: rebooted iochc10
  • 249613 01/23/12 08:20 narayan Compton: edet accum trig changed to 3
  • 249610 01/23/12 08:17 narayan Compton: run 23317 crashed
  • Sunday

  • 249511 01/22/12 17:52 cornejo Compton: Alarm Handler settings updated. Turned off Low alarms for Edet HV1
  • 249509 01/22/12 17:41 cornejo Compton: No pink screen for run 23299: same settings as before
  • 249503 01/22/12 16:45 narayan Compton: coda EB crashed
  • 249468 01/22/12 11:06 gaskell Compton: rebooted iochc10
  • 249466 01/22/12 10:57 gaskell Compton: HV turns itself off regularly
  • 249465 01/22/12 10:30 narayan Compton: HV turned itself 'off'
  • 249455 01/22/12 09:06 narayan Compton: scintillator rates pattern
  • 249451 01/22/12 08:35 narayan Compton: edet motion GUI hung
  • 249441 01/22/12 07:30 pking Compton: Compton EB died at end of run 23287
  • 249409 01/22/12 01:53 cornejo Compton: Alarm Handler Scintillator Rates changed to be more conservative
  • 249408 01/22/12 01:50 corne Compton: Run 23282 no pink screen. Edet accumtrig=2 by 4
  • 249404 01/22/12 01:39 cornejo Compton: Updated alarm handler to include Electron Detector Tresholds and HV
  • 249398 01/22/12 00:43 narayan Compton: threshold supply trip resetted
  • 249392 01/22/12 00:28 narayan Compton: edet QWAD threshold PS
  • Saturday

  • 249311 01/21/12 14:23 narayan Compton: CODA zero event rate
  • 249302 01/21/12 13:20 fangguo Compton: run 23267 didn't have its pink screen
  • 249297 01/21/12 12:45 narayan Compton: e-detector is happy and healthy
  • 249291 01/21/12 11:32 narayan Compton: edet motion seems frozen
  • 249283 01/21/12 10:29 narayan Compton: run 23264 didn't have its pink screen
  • 249249 01/21/12 06:38 narayan Compton: edet Threshold power supply had 'output off'
  • 249221 01/21/12 02:11 pking Compton: Compton EB died at beginning of run 23253
  • Friday

  • 249118 01/20/12 14:16 narayan Compton: edet accum trig changed to 2/4
  • 249117 01/20/12 14:11 fangguo Compton: compton electron detector IN
  • 249116 01/20/12 13:58 dalton Compton: Compton background have ~30 min periodic component
  • 249108 01/20/12 13:08 narayan Compton: turned ON photon detector
  • 249081 01/20/12 10:22 Arshak Compton: Edet Encoder power supply was power cycled.
  • 249080 01/20/12 09:39 fangguo Compton: compton electron detector OUT
  • 249064 01/20/12 08:05 pking Compton: Event builder seemed to get stuck; killed and restarted EB
  • 249015 01/20/12 03:23 pking Compton: The "laser dog" has moved slightly
  • 249010 01/20/12 02:33 narayan Compton: edetplane 4 unmasked
  • 248999 01/20/12 00:33 narayan Compton: edetplane 4 masked
  • Thursday

  • 248945 01/19/12 17:04 gaskell Compton:vertical scan
  • 248821 01/19/12 05:26 narayan Compton: DAQ crashed during run 23219
  • 248793 01/19/12 01:15 smacewan Compton: Compton rates sky rocketted - turned off photon det
  • Wednesday

  • 248782 01/18/12 23:54 narayan Compton: HV tripped on its own
  • 248764 01/18/12 21:06 compton Compton: No run end for run#23211
  • 248762 01/18/12 21:05 Arshak Compton: The Photon detector HV switched back ON.
  • 248760 01/18/12 20:56 Arshak Compton: Photon Detector Hv was Tripped.
  • 248756 01/18/12 20:42 Arshak Compton: photon detector switched ON (1700V)
  • 248750 01/18/12 19:49 Arshak Compton: Electron Detector moved to Beam position
  • 248717 01/18/12 15:10 fangguo Compton: Move compton electron detector to garage
  • 248708 01/18/12 14:00 narayan Compton: e-detector accumulatio mode trigger set to 3
  • 248702 01/18/12 09:35 wdconinc Compton: Update analyzer to latest version
  • 248699 01/18/12 09:26 wdconinc Compton: photon detector switched off for beam studies
  • 248665 01/18/12 03:39 narayan Compton: high rates in compton region
  • Tuesday

  • 248615 01/17/12 21:02 narayan Compton: post reboot status
  • 248614 01/17/12 21:00 narayan Compton:iochc10 pre-reboot status
  • 248613 01/17/12 20:53 cornejo Compton: Electron detector comm error, Amrendra coming in
  • 248611 01/17/12 20:36 cornejo Compton: State with beam back...all looks good
  • 248608 01/17/12 20:31 cornejo Compton: Bem at 180uA. Rates look good for last 10 minutes. Turning oh Photon Detector HV
  • 248604 01/17/12 19:22 cornejo Compton: Run 23197 was a DAQ test (DAC channel test)
  • 248583 01/17/12 13:28 narayan Compton: communication error with Threshold PS
  • 248579 01/17/12 10:32 donjones Compton: Asymmetries wrong
  • 248578 01/17/12 10:15 fangguo Compton: Compton dipole ON
  • Monday

  • 248486 01/16/12 16:39 narayan Compton: compton dipole tripped
  • 248480 01/16/12 16:09 narayan Compton: e-detector retracted
  • 248478 01/16/12 15:57 fangguo Compton: e-detector in beam position
  • 248477 01/16/12 15:53 paschke Compton: Results not reliable right now, as far as I know
  • 248474 01/16/12 15:39 wdconinc Compton: asymmetry not what it is supposed to be
  • 248466 01/16/12 14:00 fangguo Compton: Compton tripped again
  • 248455 01/16/12 11:48 gaskell Compton: dipole exam part 2
  • 248454 01/16/12 10:44 gaskell Compton: dipole exam
  • 248452 01/16/12 09:06 gaskell Compton: retracted electron detector
  • 248426 01/16/12 05:58 V. Tvaskis Compton: Compton CODA crashed
  • Sunday

  • 248377 01/15/12 23:24 cornejo Compton: HV tripped during run 23179 (did not stop run)
  • 248375 01/15/12 22:53 narayan Compton: run # 23178 ended after HV trip
  • 248369 01/15/12 22:42 narayan Compton: run-start pink screen did not appear
  • 248333 01/15/12 18:41 cornejo Compton: turned on photon HV (beam back)
  • 248326 01/15/12 17:23 cornejo Compton: ccomptl1's fan making noise
  • 248325 01/15/12 17:20 cornejo Compton: Turned off photon HV because I'm uncertain how the beam will return when it returns
  • 248323 01/15/12 16:57 gaskell Compton: lower photon rates could be reduced PMT gain
  • 248320 01/15/12 16:50 narayan Compton: vertical scan, lower photon rates
  • 248277 01/15/12 12:01 gaskell Compton: correct response to bad rates
  • 248272 01/15/12 11:24 narayan Compton: response to (extremely) high scintillator rates
  • 248271 01/15/12 10:59 narayan Compton: edet retracted, phDet off
  • 248268 01/15/12 10:45 narayan Compton: iochc10 post reboot
  • 248266 01/15/12 10:38 narayan Compton: edet motion froze, ioc rebooted
  • 248254 01/15/12 09:21 narayan Compton: scintillator rate
  • 248253 01/15/12 09:13 wdconinc Compton: photon detector accum0 asymmetry double peaked
  • 248252 01/15/12 09:05 narayan Compton: DAQ freeze-up (EB problem)
  • Saturday

  • 248168 01/14/12 19:20 narayan Compton: post reboot status (iochc10)-1
  • 248167 01/14/12 19:17 narayan Compton: pre-iochc10 reboot status
  • 248166 01/14/12 19:16 narayan Compton: pre IOCHC10 reboot valve status
  • 248155 01/14/12 18:52 donjones Compton: vertical scan
  • 248046 01/14/12 11:34 gaskell Compton: found background scintillators off - turned them on
  • Friday

  • 247836 01/13/12 20:19 wdconinc Compton: changed to different EPICS version to avoid errors
  • 247831 01/13/12 19:56 wdconinc Compton: correction: DAQ test
  • 247768 01/13/12 07:36 cornejo Compton: Scintillators HV tripped while no beam in hall...turned them back on
  • Thursday

  • 247505 01/12/12 01:13 narayan Compton: run plan tonight
  • 247504 01/12/12 00:59 narayan Compton: changed orbit lock to 1.17
  • 247498 01/12/12 00:29 narayan Compton: taking data at 30 uA
  • 247496 01/12/12 00:23 narayan Compton: iochc10 post reboot
  • 247492 01/12/12 00:18 narayan Compton: iochc10 rebooted
  • 247489 01/12/12 00:09 narayan Compton: iochc10 before reboot
  • 247488 01/12/12 00:05 narayan Compton: edet motion comm failure
  • Wednesday

  • 247458 01/11/12 20:36 cornejo Compton: Runs 23137 and 23136 may have had the HV tripped because it was found off
  • 247388 01/11/12 17:13 donjones Compton: Electron beam X position during this event
  • 247385 01/11/12 17:06 donjones Compton: Added power plots
  • 247384 01/11/12 16:58 donjones Compton: Strange laser behavior
  • Tuesday

  • 247148 01/10/12 11:32 wdconinc Compton: Achtung: Ze Teilerfaktor!
  • 247126 01/10/12 02:18 narayan Compton: bad data in the beginning
  • 247123 01/10/12 01:04 narayan Compton: modified run-plan
  • Monday

  • 247109 01/09/12 22:27 Spayde Compton: EB0 Hung at Run Start
  • 247088 01/09/12 20:23 donjones Compton: vertical scan
  • 247082 01/09/12 18:55 narayan Compton: Compton run plan tonight
  • 247081 01/09/12 18:55 narayan Compton: Compton run plan tonight
  • Sunday





  • 246502 01/06/12 17:22 cornejo/gray Compton: Fixed End of Run GUI
  • 246449 01/06/12 13:55 donjones Compton: LBO optimization complete
  • 246432 01/06/12 11:47 donjones Compton: LBO optimization in progress
  • Thursday

  • 246395 01/05/12 19:10 donjones Compton: Laser repaired
  • Wednesday

  • 246114 01/04/12 13:33 wdconinc Compton: tape backup again enabled for Compton runs
  • Tuesday

  • 245921 01/03/12 09:43 narayan Compton: reasonable status of electronic noise
  • Monday

