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User name pking

Log entry time 08:05:07 on February 09, 2012

Entry number 252960

keyword=Shift Summary: Owl, 9 Feb

Owl Shift Summary, 9 Feb 2012

Shift Crew:

SL: P. King
TO: A. Lee

Priorities for shift:

  1. Production parity at high current.
  2. Restore the low-current BCM6 instrumentation if it does not seem to cause the DD fluctuations

Summary of events:

Run list:

Coulombs acquired: 4.71 C

Typical operating parameters:

IuA 178.4
Halo 3 rateHz/uA 12.6
MDALLBARS widthppm 225.8
BCM78-ddif widthppm 63.9
A_q widthppm 466.1
MDALLBARS X-pos sensitivityppm/mm 859.9+-179.2
MDALLBARS Y-pos sensitivityppm/mm 1081.0+-242.2

Problems requiring attention:



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