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User name dalton

Log entry time 19:57:45 on February 09, 2012

Entry number 253085

keyword=Compton: Looking at buffer position od snapshot

Here I have a quick look at the new buffer snapshot position (I presume fadc_compton_samples.fSamplePointer is the correct variable)

I am expecting to see values between 0 and ~208000 (the number of 5ns samples in our MPS window) but the values are as much as 3e9.

There are very few integer values that this quantity takes, see fig 1.

The first notable value is 3 and if I cut on that I get fig 2.

The biggest notable value is 3077334021 and if I cut on that I get fig 3.

Both of these figures show the large spike at 0 for the maximum sample, indicative a bad snapshots. Further investigation didn't reveal and correlation of of bad snapshots to the fadc_compton_samples.fSamplePointer quantity

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Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3